HubSpot Ideas


Major Improvements Needed for Hubspot Scoring

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Current Hubspot scoring is severally lacking compared to its competitors. Hubspots scoring issues are so large that I would strongly warn anyone from choosing Hubspot until they fixed how they score Contacts.


1.) Allow the Hubspot Score to be completely be reset. Right now you can only give negative criteria which causes a bunch of different issues.


2.) Make it possible for new scoring rules, or changes to existing scoring rules, only effect Contacts going forward. If you change a lead scoring criteria, it will retroactively update all your records. If you have any sort of automation associated with the Lead Scoring, such as a head off process from Marketing to Sales, this causes a huge nightmare. Scoring changes should occur FREQUENTLY based on feedback from Sales or conversion analytics. Right now its very difficult to make any changes to scoring because of this limitation.


3.) Show scoring for individual line items within the Contact's Detail Screen and within the Hubspot / Salesforce Visualforce component. Having to "Test" a Contact against your scoring rules is time consuming and inefficient. No one wants to scroll through a giant list of criteria to see if a specific Contact meets a criteria. 


4.) Change the way scoring occurs so more generic rules can be set. If you have a new Webinar, whitepaper, etc you're basically forced to create an entire new scoring rule for that specific campaign. You could do it based on a "Type" of campaign or some other Salesforce field, but then you face the issue of creating separate rules for every time the Contact meets the criteria. For example say you have a rule that says if Type = Webinar, give the Contact 10 points... well that works for the first time they meet the criteria. If you want them to be scored for each time they watch a new webinar based on a type field, you're forced to duplicate the scoring rule and specify that they've watched a webinar 2 or more times. The same goes for email clicks. If you want a Contact to be scored for every email click, and not just the first time they meet the criteria, you will have to duplicate the rule out several times and specify within the rule that they've clicked a link at least 2+ times.


These are just a few of the major issues I've faced when creating a scoring process within Hubspot. It needs a lot of work.

HubSpot Updates
In Beta
October 30, 2024 09:24 AM

Hi Folks,


Hopefully, by now, you've seen a demo or video (like this), or the Inbound announcement of our new Lead Scoring tool. Lots of what's mentioned above has now been enabled. 


For example, with the new tool you get access to:

  • Fit Scoring
  • Engagement Scoring
  • Ability to say 'any email click +1' (or other marketing asset)
  • Ability to specify which specific email (or other marketing asset)
  • Ability to set up thresholds based on the score (if 0-25 = low if 25-100 = hot)
  • Ability to set up a record card to see historically why a contact has their score
  • Ability to reset the score via worklfows


The 100 filter limit is also not applied in the new tool nor should you actually need to use that many filters with these new capabilities. We hope you like it


Click below to opt in to the Public Beta! 

Idea Submitted
October 17, 2023 03:39 AM

Hi all,


I'm Dom, a Product Manager at HubSpot. First of all, I want to acknowlege the frustration that the current solution is causing and the feeling that HubSpot is not investing enough reseources into fixing the current solution.
My team and I are currently delving into Lead Scoring for Marketers at the moment and we’d be really interested in learning more about your use cases. We’d like to find out how you are currently scoring your leads, what’s working for you and what’s not working at the moment and what features you would like to see incorporated into HubSpot in the future. 

If you’re a marketer interested in lead scoring and open to a brief 30-minute call with me and my team, please feel free to reach out to me via a direct message.  



October 21, 2018 04:55 PM

Hi HubSpot Community - thank you all for providing your feedback on this issue. I'm a member of our Product team and I wanted to let you all know that we hope to make significant improvements to scoring in the coming months! Please continue to provide examples and use-cases on this issue, I will provide an update once additional functionality is closer to beta.

146 Replies

Ability to reset score needs to be implemented, like... yesterday.


I just started building my lead scoring so I am sure I will run into many of the other problems you mentioned soon, but my current biggest peeve is that I can't filter what a contact did or didn't score for. That's crazy, right? Even just a "hide not met" would be helpful instead of scrolling through the long list of possibilities to scan for what they met. Seems very obvious. I created a separate idea in hopes baby steps can occur while big overhauls are in the works.


Lead scoring can be a dark art and for it to be used effectively, short term scoring is essential, such as 30days. Lifetime scoring can be useful in long lifecycle customer journeys. This is all dependent on the business needs. Please provide the lead scoring reset option via workflows to satisfy al our needs for lead scoring.



Also running into problems with lead scoring, especially the fact that Predictive Lead scoring is not removable. That is quite annoying for us as the model built really does not make any sense at all.

So being able to remove the predictive lead scores, at least hiding it from contact profiles, would be a great addition.


Need to be able to reset scores for competitors and current employees. As it is, you can't set a score to 0 in Hubspot. 

Top Contributor

We're setting up our lead scoring and keep running into issues with "contacts can only receive points for each rule once". For instance, we're seting up a base point system where the contact can accumulate 10 points each time a they fills out a form. We have a lot of different forms! If we want a form to be more than the base, then we'll give extra points on another lead score entry. So instead of managing 5-6 form lead score entries, we'd have to enter more than 30.


Page views is another example. Since we can't give points for watching a video, we want to give points for opening a video, which opens it's own page. As it stands, if we want to do this, we'll have to enter a lead score for each individaul video.


I see situations where you would only want a score to hit once, but at least give a checkbox for flexibility to apply only once or for every instance.


It would be great if we could export to csv all the manual lead scoring rules we have ever created so we can easily see them all.

Top Contributor

Agree exporting would be great! A search option would also be nice. Scanning thru them now takes forever when updating or removing a set. We already have 60 sets entered and have another 50+ to add because of the restrictions I mentioned above. This tool is definitely not geared toward larger companies.


You can CTRL+F to search on the webpage where your manual lead scoring rules are. Some sort of ordering system would also help - either per campaign or per type of event (CTA/Email/List membership/Webinar etc etc)


needs to happen!!!


Hubspot it would great to know if any of these great suggestions for masively improving the lead scoring system is being worked on, or even considered.  Hubspot a reply would be appreciated.



We also need the option to reset to 0. It is a big part of our renurturing process for demoted leads, and the workflow-based solution we have put together is not ideal.


Editing because accidental triple post... 


Editing because accidental triple post.... 


I am extremely frustrated by how limited/inflexible/underpowered Hubspot's lead scoring capabilities are. I think of lead scoring as an accumulative/progressive methodology for quantifying engagement, in which lead score increases can be incrementally triggered each time leads complete new actions (and pretty much any action, down to the level of a data value being changed, should be available for scoring). Thinking about lead scoring in these terms allows a user to build an extremely granular model that maps to their unique business needs. 


Hubspot, on the other hand, seems to have conceived of lead scoring as some kind of retrospective look-back on the state of the Hubspot contact database (which is odd, considering that lead score increases/decreases are not given line items in a contact's activity history -- crazy). I can't trigger a lead score update every time a lead clicks through an email -- but I can assign a lead a point if "number of emails clicked = 1" ? 


Another thing (which is the case elsewhere in Hubspot, too): once you've added more than ~10 lead scoring attributes, the UI itself becomes incredibly unwiedly. There's no way to organize or add any hierarchy; all of your scoring attributes are just jumbled in there nonsensically. 


It's also a point of frustration that there's only 1 available "model" for lead scoring in Hubspot. The ability to use a marketing automation platform to increase or decrease point values for custom fields -- beyond just "Lead Score" -- unlocks a lot of powerful additional options for tracking engagement and interest. 


Finally, it's crazy to me that lead scores can't be reset without either finding a way to jerry-rig negative scoring (which is not what negative scoring should be used for), or deleting lead scoring attributes from the model altogether. There are many, many scenarios for which a lead's score should be brought back to 0 for continued nurturing (here are two really obvious ones: 1) a rep sets the status to "Recycle" 2) the lead becomes a customer and now we want to nurture them towards an upsell). 


I am a recent adoptee of Hubspot and have mostly been satisfied with it thus far. But this is an enormous, glaring problem for sure. 

Participant | Partner

this would be a great add. Also the ability to see short term vs long term lead score. 


I could not agree more. Having set up and managed pardot & marketo, their lead scoring system blows HS's  (hubspot) out of the water.


If this isn't the product teams number 1 priority then there are larger issues here. Lead scoring is the foundation of marketing automation system. If the scoring isn't done right, then why are you putting effort into all the marketing channels if they can't be scored properly? 


Pardot is nice because it gives you the generic ones right out of the box. In HS you can't even add a generic everytime a unique email is opened give "x" amount of point. **bleep**?!   OR everytime a webpage is viewed give 2pts, so it compounds ie someone who visits 5 pages will have a score of 10 while someone who visits 1 will have a score of 2pts. 10 is way warmer than 2.


Hubspot get your ish together (this among other reason is why I am questioning my decision but I've already sold my stock in y'all).  


Get the basics right!!!  your competitors (Marketo & Pardot) already have. 




Also allow for the lead score to be a one time or a recurring score. I'd like to be able to up the score each time someone downloads a report. Or each time they come to the website. 



Without this functionality, the software doesn't align to our business process. That's not a good thing. 


I wish I could up vote this more. Right now Act-on allows you to have the ability to have multiple lead scoring models for differnt job roles. In Marketo they did Behavior and Demogrpahic seperately and it was cumlative non of this minus 20 points if they have done this. Also to abowman3d point the fact that we can;t reset their score is frustrating because we reclyce and then requalify the leads. Sometimes people are interested but not ready to speak to sales.