Current Hubspot scoring is severally lacking compared to its competitors. Hubspots scoring issues are so large that I would strongly warn anyone from choosing Hubspot until they fixed how they score Contacts.
1.) Allow the Hubspot Score to be completely be reset. Right now you can only give negative criteria which causes a bunch of different issues.
2.) Make it possible for new scoring rules, or changes to existing scoring rules, only effect Contacts going forward. If you change a lead scoring criteria, it will retroactively update all your records. If you have any sort of automation associated with the Lead Scoring, such as a head off process from Marketing to Sales, this causes a huge nightmare. Scoring changes should occur FREQUENTLY based on feedback from Sales or conversion analytics. Right now its very difficult to make any changes to scoring because of this limitation.
3.) Show scoring for individual line items within the Contact's Detail Screen and within the Hubspot / Salesforce Visualforce component. Having to "Test" a Contact against your scoring rules is time consuming and inefficient. No one wants to scroll through a giant list of criteria to see if a specific Contact meets a criteria.
4.) Change the way scoring occurs so more generic rules can be set. If you have a new Webinar, whitepaper, etc you're basically forced to create an entire new scoring rule for that specific campaign. You could do it based on a "Type" of campaign or some other Salesforce field, but then you face the issue of creating separate rules for every time the Contact meets the criteria. For example say you have a rule that says if Type = Webinar, give the Contact 10 points... well that works for the first time they meet the criteria. If you want them to be scored for each time they watch a new webinar based on a type field, you're forced to duplicate the scoring rule and specify that they've watched a webinar 2 or more times. The same goes for email clicks. If you want a Contact to be scored for every email click, and not just the first time they meet the criteria, you will have to duplicate the rule out several times and specify within the rule that they've clicked a link at least 2+ times.
These are just a few of the major issues I've faced when creating a scoring process within Hubspot. It needs a lot of work.
I think there is definitely some work that can be done to improve lead scoring - it's not currently very flexible to changing business needs, I have a couple of suggestions that I think would enhance it somewhat:
Allowing a crossover between new and old lead scoring methodology - being able to turn off old lead scoring without affecting existing scores of leads
Hi, I can add a Lead Scoring rule with a condition like 'Contact has filled out any form on any page'. Would it be possible for you to add the equivalent for CTAs, eg. 'Contact has clicked any CTA on any page'? Hope this might be considered, Simon
Please upvote this idea! Current Hubspot scoring is severally lacking compared to its competitors. Hubspots scoring issues are so large that I would strongly warn anyone from choosing Hubspot until they fixed how they score Contacts. 1.) Allow the Hubspot Score to be completely be reset. Right now you can only give negative criteria which causes a bunch of different issues. 2.) As the OP suggested, make it possible for new scoring rules, or changes to existing scoring rules to only effect Contacts going forward. If you change a lead scoring criteria, it will retroactively update all your records. If you have any sort of automation associated with the Lead Scoring, such as a head off process from Marketing to Sales, this causes a huge nightmare. Scoring changes should occur FREQUENTLY based on feedback from Sales or conversion analytics. Right now its very difficult to make any changes to scoring because of this limitation. 3.) Show scoring for individual line items within the Contact's Detail Screen and within the Hubspot / Salesforce Visualforce component. Having to "Test" a Contact against your scoring rules is time consuming and inefficient. No one wants to scroll through a giant list of criteria to see if a specific Contact meets a criteria. 4.) Change the way scoring occurs so more generic rules can be set. If you have a new Webinar, whitepaper, etc you're basically forced to create an entire new scoring rule for that specific campaign. You could do it based on a "Type" of campaign or some other Salesforce field, but then you face the issue of creating separate rules for every time the Contact meets the criteria. For example say you have a rule that says if Type = Webinar give them 10 points... well that works for the first time they meet the criteria. If you want them to be scored for each time they watch a new webinar based on a type field, you're forced to duplicate the scoring rule and specify that they've watched a webinar 2 or more times. This causes a huge amount of extra work. The same goes for email clicks. If you want a Contact to be scored for every email click, and not just the first time they meet the criteria, you will have to duplicate the rule out several times and specify within the rule that they've clicked a link at least 2+ times. These are just a few of the major issues I've faced when creating a scoring process within Hubspot. It needs a lot of work.
An issue with Lead Scoring for me is that there is no "OR" logic, only "AND."
Ex: I want my lead to get +3 points only if he opens 1 of these 3 emails (1 or 2 or 3).
Very simple logic and already native to other parts of Hubspot, why not build it into Lead Scoring? This area is the foundation of our business as I'm sure it is for many others, I'm surprised it doesn't get as much attention from dev in terms of customizability. Agreed that HS ise behind their competitors in this aspect.
I agree! Scoring within Hubspot has become a major issue for us and would be the biggest factor in our considering another platform. The manual lead scoring area has become unmanageable and the options are limiting. The list of scoring criteria grows too long, and there is to no way to group/organize the entries. As mentioned in the first comment, having an "OR" logic option would allow attributes to be grouped and lessen items being lost in the long list of scoring attributes. Folders, drag and drop/reordering and "OR" logic would help immensely.
Additionally, OP's #4 is a HUGE issue. We have the same problem with cumulative scores for webinars, events, white papers, pageviews... There needs to be a way to have cumulative scoring, so that we do not have to enter an attribute for every individual activity.
Ultimately I would like to see an attribute entry with an option to label that attribute, "OR" logic and a checkbox option added for cumulative or incremental scoring.
Check box: Cumulative/Incremental Score (this means that if a contact is on list A they will get +30, if they are also on list B they will receie another +30, and so on for each list added..)
I wholehearted agree with abowman3d and lucasjones. There is definite need for improvement. In addition to what abowman3d stated, it would also be nice to have flexbility with critieria including the ability to select campaign member status. Currently you can select critieria if a person belongs to a certain campaign but you cannot select just those of a particular member status. This forces one to create yet another unnecessary list in the system so you can pull in and add scoring based on an action. For instance, I have an event. Some people just registered others attended. Two different scores for each status value (registered/attended). Thus I need to create two different lists to create a scoring rule because filter criteria in the scoring rule will only allow you to select if a person is a member of a campaign.
Thanks for the response. It's been a few months since I've looked into these issues, but I believe I attempted to go down this route as well. I worked with HS Support for quite some time trying to figure out a few different ways to make this work. However, its definitely possible I missed something!
I'm looking at the workflows now, and I have my criteria created. When I go to add an action and select "Set a Contract Properlty," I don't see the "HS Activity Score" field anywhere on the list of available fields to select from. Have you tried this yourself and gotten it to work?
Just received confirmation from their support team.
"When you say HS Activity Score are you referring to the HubSpot Score? If you are trying to set the score by workflow, then that is currently not possible. The HubSpot Score is set by Lead Scoring rules that adds points automatically to the property based on criteria that you set (how-to reference)."
The problem with HS scoring itself is the criteria based system. A score shouldn't receive points based on what current criteria it matches, it should receive accumlative points based on which criteria it has ever met, and then allow score resets.
Resetting or setting the score to a specific score is EXTREMELY needed. Competitors do this very easily and am surprised that this isn't a feature.
Pardot allows you to create default scoring rules (for every email click add 1, open add 3, etc.) it then also allows you to use their workflows to reset/update the score. It also allows you to edit these manually within the prospect themselves.
This is exactly the problem:
"The problem with HS scoring itself is the criteria based system. A score shouldn't receive points based on what current criteria it matches, it should receive accumlative points based on which criteria it has ever met, and then allow score resets."
It would be great to have the ability to reset a Hubspot score back to zero either manually or through a workflow. Currently, negative lead scoring is the only way to reduce a contact's score. We have certain contact property scenarios, when met, need to reset a contact's score back to zero.
A better overview on what score-rules you have added. The list of rules has become never ending when switching on employees as well.
For example by adding folders
Or an 'OR' rule instead of only an 'AND' rule so that you can group events
Show in the life of the lead (timeline) at what moment the points have been added and due to what rules. Now you only see dates in the history, but not WHY a certain amount of points have been added.
Is there an update when HubSpot is going to do something about the scoring feature?
Agree agree! We just switched to manual lead scoring and found out you can't ever turn the predictive model off!!!!
The lovely help team mentioned: "The way that Predictive Lead Scoring currently exists currently prevents it from being turned off. Our Product team is thinking about ways that we might be able to make this possible, but for now, there's no way to do it, and there's no ETA on when it may or may not become possible. Even with the predictive lead scoring activated, it does not overrrides the Manual Lead Scoring you already set up.
However, I would highly advise you to propose this as a feature request on our ideas forum ; this is where our Product team gather our customers' feedback to know which features would be best to develop in the near future. Feel free to add details and some use cases where disabling the predictive lead scoring would be useful to you or other customers!"
So hey Hubspot - can we make it so you can turn OFF Predictive Lead Scoring please and thank you.
All of these ideas would be very useful and are all things that I've looked for the ability to do in the past. Especially the ability to only apply lead scoring changes going forward. We've had many times where we need to tweak something and because of it, it clutters up the sales team's active leads with old contacts who now meet the parameters based on our changes. The other thing that would be amazingly useful to us is to be able to go into an individual's contact record and see which factors contributed to their lead score.
Does anyone have recommendations on the best way to "reset" scoring for the following situation:
We want to see a contact's score for the last 30 days (rolling) to see who is the most active currently, not all time. If someone visited our site 10,000 three years ago, that is not as valuable as someone who visited our site 500 times yesterday, know what I mean?
Amanda - you could try setting up some "aging" criteria in your lead scoring that either reward (add point values) or penalize (substract point values) based on something like "Time Last Seen" is Less Than/More Than.
Regardless, it would be really awesome if HubSpot would allow for an option in Lead Scoring to reset to zero as the original idea describes. A common scenario is to have someone reach a score threshold and when we reach out to them, they are "just looking" or not ready to buy yet. It would be nice then to reset them to zero and thus allow them to bubble up again in the future. Even if we could just manually reduce the Lead Score, it would be helpful.
As it stands now, I would have to create some kind of a custom property or add them to a list that would then have a negative point value, but since every Lead is going to have a different point value, some might go to zero, some might stay above zero and others may have a negative score. So, having an option to re-set to zero every time would be great to have!
Thanks, Allen. I did reach out to HubSpot and they suggested the "Last Time Seen", I'll see how that goes. But I'm hopeful the "reset to zero" component will become available. Or at least, show score for the last 30 days or something of that nature!
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