HubSpot Ideas


Logging a letter mail for multiple contacts

After sending several letters to contacts physically, it is not possible to log them as a bulk. 


It shoudl be possible to select all the contacts from a list and log this activity once and not for each contact manually. A lot of time savings for everybody who has them same problem.



3 Replies
HubSpot Employee

It would help a lot if we could log a certain activity to all members of a list. 


Yes, this would be very nice and seems like something that would be fairly easy to do.


I thought I had seen this as a possibility before, but went to do it today and couldn't find where! It doesn't even seem possilbe via workflow, but it seems like it is accessible in the API, so there is probalby some workaround.


Definitely we should be able to import all sort of sales & service activities could be with a type of activity like call, regular mail, chat, mail, meeting,....