HubSpot Ideas


Log visitors IP address immediately in chat

Other messaging tools capture the end user's IP address immediately when they initiate a conversation with a representative. This is a valuable piece of information the ensures that the customer has the best experience possible.


There are many situations where the location of a customer will determine how the conversation is handled (which representative should handle the message, which products are available for a customer in that location or whether they need to purchase through a distributor, and so on and so forth).


Since HubSpot does capture IP addresses in other parts of the platform it seems like a simple ask for this to be extended to include the Messaging tool.




We have just switched over from LiveChat Inc. which showed the visitor's IP address and therefore City/Country location. This is an absolute must for our company when engaging a visitor on a chat on our website. Some countries we are not able to assist, some we can only offer certain products/services. To be able to see information in the conversations inbox when chatting to a visitor would be ideal!

ステータスに更新: Being Reviewed

Hi all- We currently are storing the IP geolocation for a chat on the contact under the IP properties. We will be doing work in the future to bring this information into the inbox for the agents to be able to leverage while chatting. We will post an update when we have more details on this work in the next couple months. 


@cdewey22 Do you mean we might actually get IP geo for visitors now, and not just exisiting contacts? This would be so great for our team to be able to assign chats by IP country to the regional managers of that country.  Then French poeple could be connected immediately to a French speaking rep before even asking for their name or email address (which typcially scares peopel off as it is 😉 


I just want to be able to see if the visitor has left the conversation. We sit there waiting for them to reply and they have closed their browser.


@Qt We do store that for visitors as well on the contact record, which is avail when they are visitors. We will be working to bring this into the inbox in the future. I would love to hear more about how your team manages their assignment? Do they do that manually?



@USC-Steve The team is also working on bringing what we are calling "presence" into the inbox as well in the future. That will basically be an indicator if they are still on your site or if they have left. Keep an eye out for that announcement! 


We need the IP address tracking on hubspot conversation and shown instantly in order to assist weeding out spam and fake enquiries.

Much needed feature that is available with Intercoms messenger service.


I support this sugestion as we have multiple local online stores around the world - if we knew what country the customer was located in, we could provide the right links, discount codes, etc.


Has this been implemented yet? We now have a need for this as well and it feels strangely disempowering not knowing how to engage the customer


This would be a phenomenal idea, right now our sales team ends up replying to visitors and often times never getting a reply back beacuse the visitor has since left. 

It's been about a year since the update has been given, do have an ETA for this yet?


This is just very disappointing and surprising that Hubspot hasn't implemented this yet. We've been a Hubspot user for 3 years now, and this was one of the FIRST things we relayed to them as a feedback request when Conversations was first implemented.


How are we paying $2k/month for a CRM that has a chat feature so basic that a $5/month chat service has better functionality? 


Here's another similar idea with an example of what any chat service in 2020+ worth anything shows: IP address, device type, browser and referral source.


How is this something that was promised by Hubspot in this thread in June 2020 "in a couple months", and now almost a year later, there's been literally no feature changes?


For a platform like Hubspot that offers this as a paid feature to their plans, it's completely insane that there's been no effort put into this.


Is there an update on this? It's been over a year since the last update and that comment seemed to indicate the change was coming much sooner than now. 


The sad part is this would take 15 minutes for a developer to add. So frustrating that this is deemed so unimportant by Hubspot - FOR THREE YEARS - for users who pay thousands of dollars a month. 


Makes no sense why this isn't a standard feature.  +1000000000000


Logging the country would be enough tbh



@cdewey22  "Hi all- We currently are storing the IP geolocation for a chat on the contact under the IP properties. We will be doing work in the future to bring this information into the inbox for the agents to be able to leverage while chatting. We will post an update when we have more details on this work in the next couple months."


Was there any update on this?


I'm helping the CS team set up HubSpot chat for the first time and understanding location is an issue for them.





Agreed - it would be nice to have this feature implemented.  Any update, Hubspot?

参加者 | Platinum Partner

@cdewey22 There was never an update, has there been one?


@cdewey22 any update?!?!?


In our line of work we deal mainly with schools - we have had students using our website for their Math work, getting products and pricing together. Sometimes it works great, the students asks a question about pencils and other times the students find it funny to send silly & sometimes rude messages to us. Without being able to access the IP address, we cannot find out where these messages are coming from to be able to call the school and put a stop to it. Yes, we asked the students for their school name, in which they responded, 'it is private information', fair enough. But after almost 100 chat messages about farting, where can they find the eggs (we sell stationery) etc etc the list goes on, it would be extremely helpful if we knew where these messages were coming from!


We'd love to see this feature implemented.