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Hello, would be great if you could extend the same email logging/tracking to the mobile platforms. My company uses exclusively Android, and we have an unpredicable break in the the chain when emailing from Mobile. I cannot yet identify which incoming/outgoing emails will be logged. I am aware of the workaround to add the Hubspod address in the BCC field for outgoing messages.
All that said, it's an added step for outgoing, and the feature is lacking completely for incoming emails.
Seems like a good opportunity to again mention our SaaS product 'Threads' which will do the following:
Connect to multiple email accounts directly (usually Google or 365)
Capture emails, either ongoing or historically, going back any number of years
Locate matches between email contacts and HubSpot contacts and 'sync' emails so they're visible in HS
Since we attach direct to the email provider, we capture all emails, regardless as to whether they're created on mobile devices, laptops etc.
We have hundreds of customers using us to kick-start their migration to HubSpot by populating with years worth of historic emails, plus ongoing emails once they start using HubSpot fulltime.
@ThreadsHelp2018 $70/mo is too much money to log emails into a CRM when it should be included in the cost of the CRM because it's a fundamental function of CRM's.
I love daily Googling solutions to my HubSpot problems and always ending up in the HubSpot support forum without a solution several years later. Time to change CRM? Suggestions?
Yep, same here. I actually ended up trying threads and although it does work (SUPER wonky and dated UI but does get the job done), I think it's absolutely outrageous to be paying Hubspot a 5 figure annual license fee yet it's not possible to do some fundamental things like this. Hubspot can do a lot of great things but it also has a lot of problems. Unfortunately, I think Hubspot stopped focusing on solving User's problems a long time ago and shifted their focus to a "What will yield the most shareholder return?". I've been thinking about dumping hubspot for a while as I truely hate the way they package and monetize their platform but between some new recent problems + talks of Google maying buying them out, we are going to change to a new CRM at the very least (Ideally a new marketing automation platform as well).
@MLefebvre 2018 is a very long time! If I buy an Ipad is there a way I can use Gmail in Browser and HubSpot with Chrome Sales Extension? Also, do you have any suggestions for other CRM?
I don't know for Ipad, but we go with en ERP that contain an CRM: Odoo (its open source!). But I know many people with Monday and Zoho and they are happy with them (I don't know if they have the same issue with android).
Yeah, we don’t use (need) a lot of marketing automation, so it wasn’t a deal breaker for us. Open source had a good advantage for us, so Odoo it will be😊
@MLefebvre I've been looking at Odoo for some other aspects like rental management and inventory control. I hadn't considered looking at it for CRM but it would make it a natural option. Have you implemented it? If so, how do you feel it compares to Hubspot?
I only use an IPad and IPhone and disappointed in both the mobile app as well as I can't integrate GMAIL into Hubspot - I use the app.Hubspot as the funcationality of the Mobile app is weak. There are many people who are no longer tethered to computers - especially those who are traveling for work or work remotely and move around. Thank you for your consideration.
When "Account Executives" from Hubspot email me, presumably trying to get us to increase our account spend, I ask them about this issue and give them a link. And then they go dark.
How can HubSpot be so inefficient as a company that nobody notices or cares enough to reply here after nearly six years? Not to mention the insanity of this essential feature not working.
Very much needed feature, but not limited to the platform standards. Gmail and other mobile email clients also need this. For me personally, and several of my customers, it's the Gmail app and Outlook 365.
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