HubSpot Ideas


Log emails on mobile platforms (android/ios)

Hello, would be great if you could extend the same email logging/tracking to the mobile platforms.  My company uses exclusively Android, and we have an unpredicable break in the the chain when emailing from Mobile.  I cannot yet identify which incoming/outgoing emails will be logged.  I am aware of the workaround to add the Hubspod address in the BCC field for outgoing messages.  


All that said, it's an added step for outgoing, and the feature is lacking completely for incoming emails.  

181 Replies

Another vote for this table stakes feature. Major obstacle to sales team's use of HubSpot and a topic during our renewal debate.


We need this, it's standard in other CRM's, wild it's not a Hubspot feature.


Hubspot is pretty **bleep** lately. They say they look at this forum, aparenty not. This is such a vital feature and it's not being added for 4 years is messed up. 


Absolutely agree!  This is a critical feature for salespeople who are moving around all the time!


Yep. I need to add my voice to this. Absolutely critical to have this on mobile.

Please hurry up!


Just had this query from someone in my sales team who is always out on the road and needs to log their activity. I can't believe that auto-logging and tracking isn't a feature for mobile.


The inability to log and track conversations while on the road (via mobile app) has been going on for a LONG time now. HubSpot... WHAT IS THE SOLUTION, AND WHEN WILL IT BE IMPLEMENTED? This ongoing issue is going to affect our future direction with HubSpot's CRM. 


need this - its really frustrating because a bunch of contacts and meetings are not logging to the CRM because of this. And it makes the data on the entire CRm patchy which is a core issue. 


We need this as well!




November 1 2018 was the first post, are we really in 2024 and we still can't have this? 


We just moved from Copper (which has a very basic, yet extremely efficient way of tracking emails directly from the Gmail account, therefore email client agnostic: contact in the database, tracking on, contact no in the database, tracking not possible...) to Hubspot, which is a very expensive move, and realizing the platform does not track emails sent from mobile devices was a complete shock...I just don't understand how this is not considered a top priority. CRM 101 really, as said in this thread and all the other...we live in a mobile world and if Hubspot believes sales people take the time to sit down in front of a laptop to answer their clients emails...I'm speacheless... it just completely defeats the purpose of the whole platform, and almost makes me regret that move....


Seriosuly .... with mobile first being around for years now, this is an essential feature...

Tracking emails is core functionality of HubSpot.... make it right.




We are considering abandoning HubSpot because of this lack of simple functionality. We are on-the-road guys, and sitting at a desk to enter information into our CRM is not going to fill the bill... This lack of response and direction from HubSpot (for years now) is utterly unacceptable. Tell us the plan, or we will have to find another resource. 




Other CRM's log every single email despite where it happens. Anyone in the CRM that emails inbound or that you email outbound is logged by default. No need for plugins, no need for manually logging emails, no need for remembering to log emails when you get back to a computer. 

This is how CRM's should work, they should log every single interaction. 

HubSpot is a premium product, with a basic feature completely missing for no apparant reason at all.

This post has had a bit of a resurgence recently, so hopefully HS takes it seriously and gives us the ability to track 100% of inbound and outbound emails done from any platform without the need for a plugin, BCC, or some other hack to get it done.

Love HubSpot, but this is a really stupid missing feature.


@TheJerro  - I like the idea of creating a new way to connect emails.  Our team struggles with being logged out of the plugin and with the NEW outlook, I have to log in every day.  It's a step that creates a lot of email conversations not being captured. 

It's definitely an everyday bother and a vital piece.  @HubSpot is a fantastic product, but issues like this impact daily life which amplifies the pain.



@JenniferErena I'm literally, this moment, migrating my team to Google for this exact issue. 🤦‍♂️

Google workspace + HubSpot isn't any better. I too as well as the test of
my team are having to log back into HubSpot Gmail plugin on a daily basis
despite asking to remember us. No other service has problems like this
staying logged in.

All of this related to HubSpot + emails is a pretty amateur level. They
are trying to get me to upgrade to sales pro or enterprise but I'm going to
need a clear explanation as to what they are going to do to fix mobile
email sync and sales plugin session issues.

Come on HubSpot, you cant class yourself as a full CRM if people cant log activities from their mobile devices without have to BCC an email address each time.  What are you doing about this, with it first being raised 4 years ago!?