HubSpot Ideas


Log emails on mobile platforms (android/ios)

Hello, would be great if you could extend the same email logging/tracking to the mobile platforms.  My company uses exclusively Android, and we have an unpredicable break in the the chain when emailing from Mobile.  I cannot yet identify which incoming/outgoing emails will be logged.  I am aware of the workaround to add the Hubspod address in the BCC field for outgoing messages.  


All that said, it's an added step for outgoing, and the feature is lacking completely for incoming emails.  

182 Replies

I cannot believe we are now 6 years into this thread with 112 comments and there's still been no movement from Hubspot on this? If Hubspot cannot do this for some reason, just tell us the reason. If they are choosing not to do it for some reason, tell us that. Tell us something. How can this just go completely ignored and unaddressed for so long?


This type of ignoring the customer is exactly what is going to force me to leave Hubspot. 


I agree this feature needs to be implemented, its crucial!


As a fairly new HubSpot user, we were blown away to learn that this has not been a standard feature for years...Logging customer interactions is a core value of a CRM. The workaround of instructing users to manually BCC an email when working on their mobile device is NOT a workable solution for a mobile workforce. This means we can't trust this data in Hubspot, which will drive users back to existing solutions.


When looking over the top in-progress feedback, it's hard to believe that the product team is not prioritizing this core value. Please resolve this soon.


Same story from us here too. We need the functionality to log emails sent on Gmail mobile/ios app. I can imagine you first need Gmail mobile app to allow extensions but still, you are smart enough to find a work around.


This would be helpful as I use Outlook with Office 365 on my iPad and have to keep remembering to BCC my HubSpot address when I reply or send follow up emails.


Ha I knew this would be the answer from HubSpot.  Can't be done and just upvote suggestion.  There's so many things up Scott can do but there are also so so many basic fundamental things that they can't do or that they make only available in Enterprise level subscriptions....and they REQUIRE you to buy 10 enterprise salws subscriptions minimum even though we only have 3 sales people.  


Logging emails from mobile devices is CRM 101.  There is no excuse for this.  I have been facing a dozen other things like this with HubSpot.  Considering they just auto renewed me for another year to the time of 5 figures....yet I can see emails sent from simply ridiculous.


I have just about had it....I think it's time for me to start exploring other options.  


We need this as well.


We need this as well


I've set up my HubSpot BCC as a contact, but you have to remember to add it in the BCC field.  Also, no tracking.  So I normally just go find the email in the app and respond from there.  But that means going to find the contact first and then click on the email.  For some reason incoming emails don't show up in the activity field, which makes zero sense to me.  Just adding them there would make it act like an inbox and then you can reply from the app and have all the tracking and logging kept intact.  


I'm the only user who logs into Hubspot in my organisation, so I rely on tracking from emails sent by other members of the team. The MD uses an iphone to send emails outside work hours or outside the office, so to not have this history against a contact is really damaging to my CRM efforts.


I am coming up on a year using HubSpot in my organization. A few weeks into using the product we discovered this limitation and thought we could live with it. I think we were wrong. The activity feed is consistently missing key information from missing emails. Maybe that's less important to other organizations but a shared activity feed that pulls together all customer communication from different channels was the number 1 featue we were shopping for in a CRM and frankly I think HubSpot's approach is catastrophically broken.


I started "following" this idea because I was optimistic that either I was missing a configuration or that HubSpot would get around to fixing this. But this idea here is now 5 years old. I try to see the humor in it when I get the email updates of other bewildered users chiming in here, but I think it's time to bail my team out of this mess.


Has anybody found an alternative CRM platform that does this well? I've been looking into Copper because my organization is already heavliy invested in Google Workspace. It's tricky to find good recommendations online with all the marketing to wade through–that's how I ended up with HubSpot the first time. I'm hoping there are some people listening to this thread that have already found a new home and can share a recommendation.


@hubspot will there be any progress on this issue? This is ridiculous, 6 years from the original post... do you know how many iPhone users you have among your users? Is it possible this is not a priority? 


Adding my "+" to this. Definitely not convenient not to have a "Log-in" function for the mobile email, considering how often people communicated on-the-go now 😕


I previously posted on this thread with the same complaint over a year (maybe 2) ago. Yes, the fact that I need to BCC each mobile email I send through my Outlook if not replying using the mobile app is extremely annoying still. The ONLY way to "Track" that email (knowing who opens it when) would be through Hubspot App.

And don't get me started on the inability to know who actually opened your email if you are sending to multiple people within the organization. It happens often that my emails (or replies) must go to multiple people at a company I work with. 


Hubspot wants us to use the mobile app for all replies or email from our phone. But this can extremely burdensome (and slow) if you live out of Outlook and are also replying to email threads within your own company. 


Is the contact even in there? Usually only their email address, regarded as "Name" in the App if they were included on an incoming email. 


It's all messy and burdensome. 


Following this. This is an issues for us as well.




Hi, for us as well! Super annoying, we mainly work from mobile devices and cannot manually BCC some email address all the time. Any solution in sight, please? Thank you!





Bueller? Bueller?


This really should be standard. Maybe try