List Memberships section needed on Company records
On the right-hand side of Contact records is a List Memberships section where you can see current lists, add and remove the contact from static lists.
This functionality is needed on Company records now that you have introduced Static lists there. To be able to view and change list membership when inside the company record.
Commenting and upvoting on behalf of a customer. I agree, this functionality would be a great addition so we can view lists on the Company record like we do on a Contact record.
This is a great idea and would be very useful for us - we mainly use contact lists but do use company lists and I find it odd that the contact record functionality is not replicated on company records - it would be great if this was added to the company view. It makes perfect sense to me.
Agreed! Bonus points if it behaves like the list membership sidebar customization for contact records so that if you click on manage it opens a pop-up that shows the lists and includes and "add to list button".