HubSpot Ideas


Linking two contacts for association

when we add new contacts we make separate contacts for people like families, friends, etc. I think it would be a great feature if there is a way to link two contacts together. ie: if we add contacts for a married couple, the contact info on husband (A) will contain a 'field' where it can show who he is associated with; In this case, it will show his wife's name (B) info. When we click his wife name, it will automatically open a page with his wife's info page.


I think this will be great in finding associations not only in companies, but network through families, business partners, etc. Plus making it easier to find will certainly an advantage for a Hubspot user.


This is one of the main reasons we moved our CRM and Service to Salesforce. I've kept the marketing hub with HubSpot, but this was very disappointing over the 2 years we had everything at HubSpot. Worse, it was impossible to know this functionality didn't exist before purchasing because everything was locked in the free trial. 


Yes contact association is the basis of a relational database

投稿者 | Elite Partner

yes, this will be very useful to some of our clients


Totally agree, now that association labels exist it would be great to have contacts to contacts associations.


Multiple use cases here, as mentioned already associating a couple together, schools can use to associate parent A to parent B, you can associate contacts who work together but not at the same company. Lots of options!

投稿者 | Elite Partner

Would be a great feature. It would be helpful for us as a client of ours uses secretaries. These secretaries should be associated to certain contact, which is now not available to do so. 


I'm almost shocked this isn't implemented yet 😄

It should be a very simple thing to do as well, similar to how you can mention team members with the @ command which even works here. 


Here's an example of how it would be useful in practice as well as our context.

I'm a relocation specialist, I help foreigners finding a home here in Portugal, renting or buying it, along with some other services.

On these cases I typically serve families, which as a workaround we started creating "Companies" like "Taylor Family" where we add the different family members.

However some times there are key parties that would be useful to have in there, a few examples include:
- Who the landlord is;
- Who referenced them to us;
- Who sold their appliances for warraty purposes;
- Etc

While we COULD add all of these people on the families and/or the deals page, it feels too cumbersome for such a seemingly simple change.

TL;DR: Make it so we can tag other contacts within notes or properties like the @ command, maybe even use a different symbol to not confuse things, so we can create a note with contacts of interest.

HubSpot Employee

this would be AWESOME pleae make this possible


Example use case: Real Estate, families purchase together and need to be qualified together prior to opening a deal and associating both to the deal


We work with families so this feature is much needed. I don't want to implement the work-around as it is only good for visibility. I want to use it in the automation workflow as well to send out a specific communication to the primary contact or vice versa. We can create association lables but still the challenge to map them is there and it will be messy inside our CRM when handling by more than one person in a team.

トップ投稿者 | Elite Partner

This would be very helpful for my team. I'd love to see it implemented soon.


We would like to use this contact-to-contact association to help us label staff that are executive assistants for other people in the company. 


20% of our deals are referrals from other customers.
80% of our customers are in teams that have a leadership structure that you would like to know and log in hubspot.

Being able to link contacts, preferably with an optional description of the relation ship is indeed a highly desired feature.


Please add this! I work with families and being able to easily connect the client, spouse, and kids would make managing their info much easier.


I could suggest since It looks it's not possible to associate 2 contacts otherwise. My way of working is creating a Deal in my sales pipeline (If i'm selling to a couple of persons a product for example), once it's done, I'll associate the 2 contacts to the same Deal, with the Add option available on the RH information tab, inside the Deal.

Hi, this may work in a very narrow case.

The contact association is not tied to a deal.

Yes, Since we have some people under which other staff works and it requires finding out who the staff belongs to.

Please add contact-to-contact association or something like parent-child association that within each contact we can have multiple sub-contacts.


参加者 | Elite Partner

This would be especially helpful for companies who sell services (gym memberships) to families where the mother uses the same email for all the kids. Each kid has an individual contact record in HubSpot with no email, only the Mom does. Anytime we want to trigger a workflow or a sequence based on what is happening with the kids contact record, we would want to email the Mom.


Reporting relationships are really important in B2B sales as you get to know an organization.  It's been a long time since this idea was raised, is this being considered?


After 6 years and tons of requests this feature still doesn't exist.

Very outrageous! It seems that the Hubspot developers Teams simply don't' consider customers needs!

参加者 | Solutions Partner
Ever since IPO. Things have never been the same.
I agree there are little hundreds of request that have been requested for years, that never get put on the roadmap. The first rule of product management and ,marketing is listen to your customers. Building what they ask for is the best way to gain market share.