HubSpot Ideas


LinkedIn Reposting/Sharing - currently not available in HubSpot

Objective: being able to share LinkedIn posts that other people/companies tag our business in, within HubSpot's Social section.


Challenge: the Social section doesn't allow for reposting or sharing content from other LinkedIn profiles; currently, we have to follow the following steps:

  1. Find the post in LinkedIn that we want to repost
  2. Click on "copy link to post"
  3. Head over to HubSpot, and create a new LinkedIn post
  4. Copy that link into the post we're trying to create


In doing so, we run into another challenge: the post doesn't show up as a 'reposted' post typically would. It merely looks as if our business is posting the content, rather than reposting it from another party. 


It would be great if, when following the above steps, the system can recognise that this is a third party post, and make it look like a repost when we publish it via HubSpot.