HubSpot Ideas


Link to individual activities in timeline

It would be really helpful to be able to link to specific activities in the timeline of a company or contact. For example, linking to a specific note or logged call. This will allow our team to share call notes with others by sending them a link, rather than asking them to go to the timeline and scrolling down to find it. This is fairly standard functionality in other CRMs and services.


UPDATE (Feb 2023): This appears to now be released. There is a "copy link" item in the Actions menu on most activities, and emails have a "copy link" button at the top of the email

32 Kommentare
Mitglied | Platinum Partner

That's the function we really need!

Futhermore, when a deal has super long history and someone has to catch up one's deal, he doesn't have to scroll up TL from bottom line.

It would be perfect if I see the deal  then there is a pinned comment which tells overview and outline of it and inserted anchor link to specific activities to cover up more detail of call log etc in case I need more info.


I'd love to be able to send my coworkers direct links to emails that come in from customers within a ticket.


Any updates on this? 

These links exist. If you do a search from the topbar and choose an email that you recently sent, you will get a link kind of like:

Where the "engagement" is the specific entry on the timeline. 


But how do I get this link for myself??


I spotted that recently too, but as you say, there's no apparent way to obtain these links yourself, which is annoying. Given they already exists, this seems like fairly straightforward feature to add.


HubSpot, any updates on this?  As @charliepinker mentions, this is a standard function of every other CRM provider.  Sharing a specific call, note, etc with other team members by sending them a link is super helpful!!


Hi HubSpot - very good idea here, have used this in other CRM's I have worked with - we need the ability to share a link internally that takes a person straight to the email, call, note you are linking too.

Please update us on this. 


Hubspot, any updates on this?  Very simple upgrade that should be standard at this point.  We literally have to cut and paste the content of a call, note, etc to share with someone on our team.  Most CRM's have a single button option to either copy the link to the note/call or you can even just add the email right there and have it sent directly from note/call.  Please provide an update on the status.  Thanks!


My job function is in Sales Ops and we just rolled out Meeting/Call Types on activities for the sales team to use.  The idea was to then create reporting to capture which activities were recently created WITHOUT a meeting/call type logged.  The primary reason activities will not have a meeting/call type logged is due to the activity being crated in Outlook/Office 365 (which is synced into HubSpot).  We can create the reporting to identify these activities exist, but CANNOT populate direct links to the activities, only links to the contact or company associated to the activitiy.


So to find the specific meeting/call type and add a meeting/call type, an individual user would need to click on the contact and then scroll through the activity feed of the contact to find the activity that does not have a meeting/call type logged.  If this is the expected behavior, it defeats the purpose of using the meeting/call type as the steps to maintain the data are cumbersome for the activity owner and way more complicated than it needs to be.


Seems like this could be immediately effective if we simply had a direct link to the activity, similar to other moduals/data sets.


Same here! We need to have a deeplink on engagements/activities (e-mails, calls, notes etc.). This is absolute necessary to work/connect with HubSpot within other tools, like Microsoft Teams etc.


The deeplink is alreay available via "Dashboard -> Team aktivities -> URL"...


Just a funktion in "Timeline -> Activity -> Options -> Get Link/Generate Link" under "Contact/Deal/..."  would be really helpful! 🙂


I would like to +1 to this. I now have to keep notes in dropbox paper, separate from Hubspot, because I am not able to link notes to teammates. If I send them the link to the company profile, they'd need to spend time scrolling through trying to find the appropriate notes. 


We have a report on our dashboard titled, "Team activities by activity date." When I click on an item from that report, I go to a page that only included the specific item in the report (i.e., a single email, a single logged call, etc.). I can then copy the URL of that page and send it to a co-worker via chat or email to call attention to a specific item. The top of the page at this URL has the link to go "Back to timeline." However, when I'm looking at the timeline, it doesn't appear that I can select a single item to present it on its own page from which I can copy the URL and send it to someone. Sometimes, I want to reference something from a month ago that is buried deep in the timeline. If I could select that item, or had a dropdown that said, "copy link to this item," it would be ideal. I don't want to pin the item to the top because it might not be the most important item in the timeline - I might be linking to it simply because it refers to something related to a different contact or company. Or, I might already have something pinned in that timeline and I don't want to remove that pin just so I can pin something with which I want a single reference.


This would be super-helpful. It's already possible in most information management software such as JIRA, Slack, Drive etc.. I would quite often like to link to a source, e.g. an email in HubSpot or meeting notes or something when talking about them.


@hubspot any updates on this build?  Seems like a simple request.  It's a standard function in SalesForce.


If folks are interested in a somewhat effective workaround hack for this:


Create an Activities report that filters for the engagements/activities you want to link to. Access links from your report.




It's 2022 and we still want this. I'd love to be able to share link to a specific meeting log without telling someone to scroll down and get to a specific date. Come on.


Agreed, please implement this on the feed. 


As a workaround for people, if you have a report that lists activity by all salespeople, you can use that and click on the link of activity to get the permalink. 



Totally agree that this is highly needed.

The report might be a workaround - which property do you use that creates a link to the activity? I tried with several but only got text and no links. Any help on this would be appreciated


Wow, new HubSpot user here.... it's unexpected that this is not a feature in HubSpot! A simple link? 


What's interesting is the feature exists and it's actually in place for the Admins of HubSpot, it just hasn't been rolled out to the general public some reason?  Tim is the original HubSpot support person I was working on with this and I got this response today:


I looked into why this option was only visible to Tim and not yourself, and it looks like at this time, this feature is internal-only for support reps.


It's a really simple feature and would a nice way to link meeting notes for a C-Level person to be able to read as opposed to simply sending them the link to the company and make them search for it.