HubSpot Ideas


Limit form submission to a certain number

We'd like to be able to disable a form after a certain number of submissions. 

April 10, 2017 06:15 AM

Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 43 votes. 


We have a lot of customers using HubSpot for events. These events all have a limit when it comes to participants.

We have to manually keep an eye on the number of participants, which is isn't really working for us or our customers.

We would really need a way of making forms close (showing a text saying the event is full or showing a different form for getting on the reserve list) after a certain amount of submissions. Or when a list reaches a certain number of contacts.


One of our clients is now looking for other software (Splash) since HubSpot does not do this automatically. How can we speed this up?


+1 to this idea. Please implement this! Either let us set a limit on form submissions or list size - something to help us with limiting registrations for events / webinars / etc!

ステータスに更新: Being Reviewed

Hi HubSpot Community,


My name is Joe, I'm the Ideas Forum Manager. I wanted to thank you for your thoughtful comments on this post. Your feedback helps us build better products.


I think this a great Idea! I'm happy to say we are currently reviewing this request and its feasibility. At this time I don’t have any details around timing or delivery, but all updates will be relayed on this thread.

I am changing the status of this idea to Being Reviewed as our team scopes out this work.


トップ投稿者 | Elite Partner

I would like this feature. It good for an RSVP page with limited number of seats


This is critical. Prioritize the development of this functionality, please.


Please, yes.


Please, please add this feature. Especially in the world of COVID when event sizes are very governmentally regulated, this is so crucial. 


Can't wait for this feature! 👍

投稿者 | Platinum Partner

I was looking for a way to do this as well. We need to cap submissions (or better, let others join the waiting list). So instead of the form not allowing more submissions, maybe have an automation that sends the first X number of submissions one email, and the rest another one ("you're on the waiting list").


参加者 | Platinum Partner
参加者 | Platinum Partner

Checking in to see if there is a solution for this yet and if so, can it be used for limiting the number of times a field on a dropdown property is selected before being removed as an option?


As far as I know, no.

@hubspot - Get on the ball and get back in touch with us all! Many of us are paying customers who could greatly benefit from this feature. The process by which communications for feature requests, in my experiences, is woefully lacking.


We'd like to see this implemented. It's a low effort, high impact feature request.


Yes and I would love to take that a step further to disable a form after a property has reached a certain number.  If a person submits a form and requests 2 people, that property would calculate sum and close the form when it reaches a capacity.  Similar to how ticket selling works.


I would love to see functionality like this introduced. We're currently planning for an event and due to social distancing/covid restrictions, we have to set capacities on presentation slots contacts can register for, so having an automated process which removes certain properties when they've reached a limit would be really helpful rather than keeping an eye on numbers and manually removing options in the sign up form.

HubSpot Employee


Commenting on this idea here

This form will be great since it can act like a "booking" form as well capped to a certain number.

Would appreciate this even more if we can have a 1 per IP or 1 per email option for this (:

HubSpot Employee

It would be especially helpful if this was something that could be both turned on an off as well as used to trigger other actions in the portal. For example in Workflows something like:


Trigger [Action X] when [Form Y] receives [Z number of submissions]. Being able to use the number of submissions across the tool would make this feature immeasureably useful!


To build on this, I would ideally not just want to turn off the form after x amount of submissions. But rather I would want to be able to use this as a trigger in a workflow.


Here's an example with our company. We work with a client that only wants 50 leads on the weekend.  So rather than just turning the form off when 50 submissions occur, in a workflow I'd want to be able to create a few if/then statements.


So it would something like


IF "day of week" (custom property we created) = Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday

THEN go to normal funnel

IF "day of week" = Saturday or Sunday

THEN check if lead form has < 50 submissions for that current day

IF submissions for current day is < 50 THEN normal funnel

IF submissions for current day is > 50 THEN secondary funnel


Not sure if that makes sense, but essentially I'm hoping for something more robust then simply turning on or off a form based on total submissions. 

投稿者 | Diamond Partner

Has there been any update/Workaround for this? It is currently way too manual to keep track of a certain number of registrants for an event. 




Yes agreed, would love to see this feature implemented. This allows us to use forms for Events with a certain number of capacity. 


Yes, this is needed asap!