HubSpot Ideas


Limit form submission to a certain number

We'd like to be able to disable a form after a certain number of submissions. 

April 10, 2017 06:15 AM

Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 43 votes. 


We have a lot of customers using HubSpot for events. These events all have a limit when it comes to participants.

We have to manually keep an eye on the number of participants, which is isn't really working for us or our customers.

We would really need a way of making forms close (showing a text saying the event is full or showing a different form for getting on the reserve list) after a certain amount of submissions. Or when a list reaches a certain number of contacts.


+1 we need that too. Either a certain number of submision or after a certain date / deadline.


The lack of this feature prevents us from implementing all our forms to Hubspot (including the ones where we could use Hubspot/Stripe payments). 820 upvotes also indicate a lively interest from other Hubspot users. would be great to get the feature.