HubSpot Ideas


Limit form submission to a certain number

We'd like to be able to disable a form after a certain number of submissions. 

HubSpot Updates
April 10, 2017 06:15 AM

Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 43 votes. 


We have a lot of customers using HubSpot for events. These events all have a limit when it comes to participants.

We have to manually keep an eye on the number of participants, which is isn't really working for us or our customers.

We would really need a way of making forms close (showing a text saying the event is full or showing a different form for getting on the reserve list) after a certain amount of submissions. Or when a list reaches a certain number of contacts.

162 Replies

Badly needed as well


Additionally, if a form could be turned off manually and automatically on a specific date in addition to being turned off automatically after a particular amount of submissions without the need to delete the form. It is advantageous to have the form inactive if we need to turn it back on or if we need to make a new one with the same setup because there is an existing example that can simply be duplicated.




@LImparato Exactly! We moved away from Constant Contact because their tool for duplicating products did not function, so we love that it's so easy to do here. We use this for event registration, and it would be tremendously helpful to be able to automatically turn off a form so people can't keep registering for an event after a certain date (i.e. one week before the event). Other CRMs (like Constant Contact) are able to automatically close forms, and manually reopen the same forms, without any disruption to how the form functions. I would love to have that sort of flexibility here in Hubspot!


It would be very benefitial to have an automatic stop to form submissions for events with a limited capacity. Im working on this for a customer where we both are off for vacation as the registration is ongoing, and we still need to perform tasks manually, so that is unfortunate. Really hope there will be something coming up soon here! 

Participant | Gold Partner

Hi @All,

We at Medialine found a solution to this issue using HubSpot Forms together with as an integration platform.


Our client requested this feature in order to manage and limit his event registrations. Until the feature is available this might be the best workaround 🙂


If anybody is interested I can show you a demo. Feel free to book a meeting with me:

or send me an email:





It would really be super beneficial to be able to limit the number of submissions for a particular option. For example, I am trying to use the forms as a sign-up tool for specific dates and I want to limit capacity for those specific dates. It's unfortunate to see that this idea was submitted in 2017 with almost 600 upvotes and no updates and/or implmentation. 


My group would find this form option extremely helpful when sending out registrations or invites for our client events.


Even if not a trigger to disable the form after some event (e.g. number of submissions), I'd like to have a way to manually disable the form in HubSpot. That way, we can run a contest, submission, etc. up to some date and then disable the form after that date.


@ShawnHymel — I believe there does exist a method to unpublish the landing page the form is embedded on by a certain date. Many CMSs have the ability to unpublish pages after a certain date—HubSpot landing pages can do this too (or, if you prefer, revise the page by replacing the form with "This event is now closed" boilerplate, and then scheduling that revision to publish on a certain date.)


This certainly isn't a solution to the basic problem (e.g., the only variable you can work with is date/time.) Hopefully you can use it as a patch until HubSpot develops more robust forms.


@TMacFarlane Thanks for the suggestion! The issue is that I sent a direct link to the form through a mass email, so anyone with the link can now go back to fill out the form. In the future, I think I'll do your idea and create a quick landing page with the form embedded. That way, it's a little more difficult for users to access the form if the landing page is disabled.

Top Contributor

@TMacFarlane We have a general Aw Shucks page setup that's similar to our notificaiton preferences page that we use to redirect to when a form page expiration is setup. That way, if they go back to the email and click to the form after the expiration the system doesn't send them to an error page.:)


A drawback with having to create a page for every form is when you have a lot of different forms. We do a lot of things in our company and have to use forms often. Having to create a page for each form on top of creating the form gets to be a lot with so many forms and pages...


Hey, all. While I realize this thread is specifically about limiting submissions or date/time expiration, it's related to the ability to "unpublish" forms, general. There is another Ideas thread that has nearly 300 Upvotes, too (this one has nearly 600). If you haven't already, be sure to Upvote and add your voice there, too!


This is something that makes sign up feel more exclusive. I would like to a date to this. For example. If would be lite to hold a form back on a page until a specific time but still have the landing page open with a countdown and information. God for both product releases, webinars, events and many many more situations. This would be nice to control thru workflows also.  Hope we see some improvements soon. 🙂

HubSpot Employee


Contributor | Elite Partner

Muy necesario voto por ello 


Please add this feature to forms soon! It's about time. 


Six years later and still waiting...


We have an event with a limited number of seats where this would really be helpfull. Wow 6 years is enough of a wait, Hubspot make this happen! 


Ability to limit form submissions would be very important for us, since we have used this function in other tools for previous events. We're new to HubSpot and it sounds like there's no great way to be able to set limits without manually watching numbers and then editing the form / removing it from published pages. Please add this function to forms!