HubSpot Ideas


Lead score criteria that are fulfilled by a contact should be stored on the contact record

There is not currently a place on an individual contact record where you can see what activities or properties contributed to a specific lead score. The Test contact button within the lead score property is the only place to generate this data for any given contact. However, given that there can be dozens of criteria (sets), scrolling through which criteria the contact meets is tedious. This can be accelerated by Find "meets", and this will bring up all of the instances that say 'Test contact meets these requirements', as opposed to 'Test contact doesn't meet these requirements'. This is still tedious, and isn't indexable in a way that can be shared with other systems, such as our CRM system where our lead management takes place with our Business Development team. 


It would be extremely useful for our Business Development team to see what criteria a contact fulfills, and therefore what contributes to their lead score, right within their lead management system in our CRM (MS Dynamics). We otherwise use Scribe as the middleware between HubSpot and MS Dynamics to sync leads.

1 Kommentar

Agree, this is necessary. Right now, the only way I've known if and when a score has been updated is with the Details button next to their score on the Contact page. Another simple solution (if not available in reporting) could be to show a column in this view on the criteria within the scoring that applied to the +/- change 

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