Considering how utterly amazing HubSpot is at everything else, I'm a little disappointed by the grey, ugly lead flows.
Here's an example of what we have had in the past.
Wouldn't it be great if the whole content area of the lead flow could be an image?
And what about a gradient overlay on the page when the popup appears?
These could be nice additions to the options of what's possible to customise the content a bit more. The current options just look a bit... Windows 95.
Hey @dickonstone we don't have that exact design planned at the moment, but we are currently working on some updated, more modern lead flow designs. If you like, I can reach out to you as soon as we have a beta ready if you would be interested in being a part of this beta!
Is there an update on this since February of this year? We are definitely getting some concerns about the lack of design for the pop-up lead forms...especially as we head into the holiday season and try to capture event RSVPs for a client.
With the initial development we were doing on re-designed pop-up forms we were not seeing any improvements in conversion rates when testing out so we have had to pause the development to focus on some other forms projects. This is definitely something we will want to continue to explore in the future though as it's easy to see this would be hugely beneficial to so many of you.
We'll be sure to update the thread here once we have any further developments on this.
Hey @yasiooy no updates on this now, this is currently parked and not on our roadmap for the time being. Will update here if we have any further updates.
Hello HubSpot Product Development... Here is why we need the popups prettier.
1) We get that ugly popups and pretty popups probably convert the same... And that popups convert. And that your testing does not make having pretty popups a priority
2) BUT the issue is the HubSpot popups are embarrassing to us as marketers. We have had customers complain about the popups. including how ugly they are. We explain that they convert and we have to use them. They implore us to take them down. We resist. If they didn't look so poor, then maybe the customers wouldn't be as aggressive.
This request is not about marketing results. It is about brand and customer satisfaction. Please make it a priority to allow customization of popups and integration with the client's brand so that we don't have to constantly defend HubSpot popups.
@Tom Drawing my reply above to your attention. I had a CEO AGAIN take us to task for the ugly popups. We get that they don't convert differently, pretty vs. ugly but it matters to our clients that the brand representation is poor.
@Tom Bumping this up again. We have stopped using the popups in HubSpot for clients and moved back to using Sumo to feed Zapier to feed HubSpot since we consistently get feedback about how ugly the popups are. Any chance this will get on the roadmap in the near future?
YES. YES. YES. This is so unacceptable that the pop-up feature doesn't rise to the level of other (less premium) marketing packages out there. Hubspot...are you listening?!
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