It would be very useful to have the same article appear in different categories. I'm sure several use cases exist and many (if not most) users would find benefit from this. I have two simple use cases that we would benefit from but I'm sure that there are more out there.
The first use case that we organize content in two ways - by type of product and media type. We put all of our videos in one spot but would like to have those videos show up in applicable product categories as well.
The second case is we separate our Knowledge Base by the type of product. However, some articles would be applicable to more than one product so it would be nice to be able to multi-list it and have it show up in more than one spot.
In the current state, we have to either duplicate articles (and sometimes 3 or 4 times) or we have to choose the most applicable and hope our customers find it.
I did find this in the community and kudoed long ago but went to check on it and it wasn't in ideas so I decided to post it here.
This would be extremely helpful, it helps avoid adding unnecessary sub-categories and provides a better user experience when the categories are used as a guide
Hello, this is very needed. The solution now is to have duplicate articles. This is confusing for our users and also for our team when updating our articles. Thank you!
I'm glad that people keep agreeing this is a needed capability, but at what point does HubSpot do something about it? This idea was originally submitted almost 3 years ago.
Hi there! Tilly from HubSpot's product team here 👋 Dropping a note to say we see this idea, and while it's not in planning at this time, we are hoping to learn more about how you all are using categories today to inform future development such as this idea! We are working on some concepts for creating and managing categories and wanted to see if anyone on this thread is interested in talking more with us and giving an opinion. If that sounds like you, feel free to send me a direct message and I'll follow up with next steps. Have a wonderful weekend!
@tilly I am interested in chatting with you about how you structure categories! Love the idea of an article being able to appear in more than one category. Would also appreciate with we could have more than one sub-category!
We are just moving from Salesforce over to HubSpot. We have migrated over 1,000 articles and to now realize that we can't select more than one category for an article is EXTREMELY disappointing and completely blows my category structure for our product out the window. As many have said in this thread before... this seems like a no brainer. Let me select multiple categories for a single article and then when I go to update the article, it is update once (instead of having to copy the article and update it in every category I need it to be in.)
It's a shame that this isn't yet available given the request dates back to 2020. We're currently making a purchase decision between HubSpot and other platforms for FAQ/knowledge base integration on our website.
@tilly have there been any further updates on this idea since your last post in May?
@AjayPatel24 - Since we started using ServiceHub around 2020, I've seen very little attention or new features added... and definitely nothing that addresses a number of feature requests that I've been waiting for. 😞
Hi @AjayPatel24! Thank you for the tag 😀 The feedback on categories is absolutely on our radar, appreciate the follow-up, always helpful to know where people are finding blockers. We're currently focused on the idea that's requesting More flexible knowledge base design and layout, including custom HTML/CSS. It's been a big project, but we're making great progress. If that set of features applies to you, I recommend following along there!
Thanks @jasonm and @tilly it's certainly something for us to ponder! We are already a Marketing Hub Professional and Sales Hub Starter customer, so Service Hub Professional would make sense for us to keep our CRM capabilities in one place, however I can already see some gaps for our requirements with the knowledge base and customer portal.
Categories might be split by product area or user journey stage.
For example, an article might be really important for a new user and presented in a Category named "Get started", but you would also want to present that article in it's relevant product-focused Category for discoverability, as old users might come back to the knowledge base for help, they likely wouldn't look to "Get started" to solve their problem, but at specific product categories like CRM, Marketing, Service etc.
This is a huge need for us, as we have multiple types of users and entry points to our KB but don't want to constantly replicate/update articles for the different categories.