HubSpot Ideas


Kanban view for Contacts and Companies (and maybe custom objects?)

Hi there!


HubSpot Pipeline tool is great for Sales and Support teams, but right now Key Account (Customer Success) and other teams that have continuous contact with clients really struggle to use HubSpot as Companies and Contacts just don't have any kanban/Pipeline view for them.


In that case, CRM admins need to create tons of new Pipelines for each team because no one wants to use the default view for that object that looks like an Excel. This difficulty A LOT to maintain the CRM clean and properties sync because we have a lot of teams interacting with the client in different pipelines and no one wants to use Contact or Company records to centralize data.


My idea is to have a feature to create Pipelines for Contact and Companies based on dropbox/radio select properties. And these records could be in more than one Pipeline at the same time. For example:


  1. A Pipeline that shows up Companies based on a property called "Key Account status". The stages could be the same as the dropbox options. And Companies without that property selected would no appear.
  2. A Pipeline based on the property "Marketing engagement". The same stages as the other Pipeline.


  • If Company A has both "Key Account status" and "Marketing engagement" properties set, that record will be at both pipelines simultaneously. 
  • If Company B has "Key Account status" set but "Marketing engagement" empty, will just appear in the first Pipeline.



Felipe Felix

44 Replies

Yes! It would be nice if stages were also customizable.

So if you wanted you could create stages based on contact attribute dropdowns.

Top Contributor

This would be great, HelloAndy!


For a team that has a 1:1 mapping of companies:deals (i.e. there is no one company that can have multiple deals), the ability to not use deals would be extremely helpful. We'd like to keep everything in companies. However, the big advantage to deals is the Kanban board you can create to display them. I would love to see a feature where you could create a Kanban board based off of a company property, where I could make that company property essentially replace the deal phase--I no longer have any need for the deal at all.


Would be amazing! We are working with Company Stages (for pre deal phase) and would love to present these companies in a Kanban view.


Would especially like to see Contacts (Leads) have a kanban view option.


It is a great idea to have a kanban view and customized stages. Hope it will be successful 


Pipedrive does this and it is amazing. I wish so badly Hubspot would pick this up


This would be game-changing! Please implement😃


From my point of view and after working in sales for decades, I rate the functionality to have a kanban board on a contact level as must have feature for a practical CRM.

Great would be if someone from HS could reply back to the group IF this improvement is on the agenda. If not - why not? If yes - when can customers expect to get this?


I feel this is a must have feature not just for the sales team but for marketing team too. If we could have a kanban view and customise it according to the contact properties, then it would surely help the marketing team too. 

Participant | Platinum Partner

Yes please, we're needing this urgently for a client! 


Same here! Need it for our marketing team to view contacts lifecycles on a single dashboard. Reports feature simply wont work the same way 


would be amazing !! We have it for custom objects so i can't understand why we can't have it for Companies ?


I've used Hubspot across three companies and a Contacts kanban view is one of the features I really miss.  

Does anyone know of a CRM that does this really well. I saw Pipedrive mentioned and will check. 


I think it would amazing to have a Kanban view for any object. 


What I believe would work great would be to have a configurable Kanban.  For example,

  1. Click Kanban View (if first time, blank canvas) 
  2. then choose from a list of fields that would contain the choices for the Kanban (a dropdown field)
  3. then click on Kanban filter specifically on that field to be able to exclude options (maybe Kanban is limited to 5-7 options)

So if I have "Prospect Stages" as a dropdown field in Companies, it would create the Kanban with 1. Discovery, 2. Validation, 3. Negotiation, Won, Lost.  Perhaps I don't want to see lost deals, I could use the filter to hide the Lost stage


Just a thought, but it would create so much flexibility to leave the Kanban choice to us   


This is a great idea! - I'm keen to see it in HS. We needed it in particular on the Company record as we use HS to manage our Customers as a Customer Success team and hack deals etc as our records but as mentioned above the information we are looking at should mainly live at the company record. The very basic usecase I looking at is when logos join and churn over time.... so having the ability to count the number of companies in a stage over time would be ideal. 


Having a Kanban view for any Object would be a game changer.

I have previously used Bitrix24 as a CRM and honestly with their flat enterprise subscription and Kanban view for Leads AND Deals constantly makes me consider porting back over.

Hubspot wins out on sooo many other use cases.  But I would legit start dancing if I could have a Kanban view for prospecting purposes.

If it could be updated automatically via sequence steps, even better.

There is something satisfying and intuitive about it for sales reps who by and large wont be bothered to become Hubspot experts.

(My 2 cents)


Excellent idea, a simple Kanban view for contacts and companies based on a customizable field called "life cycle status" (untouched, lead, prospect, client, dead) would be perfect. 

Our commercial team love the Kanban view available for Transactions. It would be ideal to do the same for companies and contacts to manage easily early the prospection phases (before the transaction creation)


This would be excellent! Feels like a must have when looking at competitors


Having the possibility to show companies in a pipeline way based on their lead status like we do have on personalized objects or deals woudl indeed be very useful !!