When a customer service agent handles a conversation from email, message or chat it would be nice to assign an issue category, so an agent can flag the conversation as: shipping issue, or missing account information.
So within dashboards directors can see the types of issues popping up.
👋Hi all, here's my short term solution:
Create New Property on Contact Object: i.e. Latest Reason for Contacting
Add Property to Right Sidebar. For easy access:
Train Customer Service Team, and Optimize Property Values
Create Report of Latest Reason for Contacting:
Distribute to Teams for Continual Improvement, or Automate Responses 😎
We would need this! Unfortunately the suggested workaround only works when it is the lastest reason for contacting and is not based on the actual incoming conversation.
Another workaround is creating tickets with tags but that is more complicated and not needed when you normally do not use the tickets...
Seems that there are at least 3 similar open community pages with people requesting it and not receiving any feedback from their development team.
Since the demand seems to be critical I went ahead and contacted their support, expressing a huge concern in terms of what kind of negative experience this lack of attention to this matter creates. What I received from them astounded me even more. I quote: As you know, this is currently not available in HubSpot at the moment. It is a feature that I can confirm the product team are looking into, with potential to use AI to autotag conversations, but at this point we do not have a roadmap for when this will be rolled out.
So I went ahead and asked them back. Long story short: "Before attempting a sprint, maybe you should consider learning to walk". They went silent without ever responding to me. So I wouldn't get our hopes up that this will be released at least by the end of this decade.
Sounds like a good workaround and will check it out!
Hopefully the HubSPot product team works on a tagging solution for conversations to the integrated inbox, would be really useful to generate monthly reports off this to see any patterns of the same query/request from customers. Would help our business to then conduct training / generate user guides for the specific query 😊
Highly requested by all of our clients, especially for the chat (for example: "did we solve this issue by ourselves? – yes or no", "question was related to XYZ" etc).
This is essential for us since moving all chatflows to helpdesk. Helpdesk does not assign conversations from bots if the user doesn't make it far enough along to cause a ticket to be generated. We still need the ability to tag conversations, even if a ticket is not created, so that we can try to connect with users who are trying to connect with someone urgently.
+1! like others, i assumed this would be a feature since all their competition has it. my mistake. no one is asking for an AI to finish our sentences, we are asking for a basic label feature. please prioritize this!