When a customer service agent handles a conversation from email, message or chat it would be nice to assign an issue category, so an agent can flag the conversation as: shipping issue, or missing account information.
So within dashboards directors can see the types of issues popping up.
👋Hi all, here's my short term solution:
Create New Property on Contact Object: i.e. Latest Reason for Contacting
Add Property to Right Sidebar. For easy access:
Train Customer Service Team, and Optimize Property Values
Create Report of Latest Reason for Contacting:
Distribute to Teams for Continual Improvement, or Automate Responses 😎
It would be great to be ably to tag a conversations by color like for campaigns+ name of the tag. That would make it easier to work in the inbox. Additional it would be great to filter and report on the tags.
Every customer support software should have this as every customer support team has to know what topics are their services needed for, to ensure customer retention and be able to focus on customer pain points.
Is Hubspot anywhere close to having tags per conversation? We are looking at merging our chat system into Hubspot, but not having this is an issue. Our existing platform can easily tag each conversation as its useful to know which customers are reporting certain issues.
We're trialling Hubspot right now and this coud be a roadblocker for us. I'm really shocked that such fundamental functionality isn't available in such a widely used tool. Would love to understand the rationale for this and realistically if/when it might be prioritised.
This is imperative for any customer support team to function correctly. Without this basic feature, how can we manage our teams, understand our customers, report successfully, etc.?
Conversations are supposed to be quick interactions, but they are still important. The only workaround to this is to create a ticket each and every time, which defeats the purpose of a conversation.
This was raised in 2020; how come it still needs to be implemented? It has so many upvotes, and you can see in the comments people who are deciding not to stay with HS due to it missing this SIMPLE feature. When will this happen?
@Lara_Q When I've discussed it with HubSpot, that's exactly what they've suggested - to create a ticket for every conversation! And currently, that is what we do, but it's frustrating because the function of conversations and tickets really SHOULD be different.
Like you mention here, conversations are generally intended to be quick interactions - chats, emails, individual questions in most instances for our company - whereas tickets are purposefully designed to represent interactions that will go through several different stages. Having a ticket for every conversation is not only a lot of extra work for our team, but it also makes for overly congested ticket pipelines and adds complexity to reporting/tracking there.
I'm not really sure why there isn't any update or feedback on this inquiry!
Adding my voice to this request. Seems like a basic feature that would help companies understand why customers are reaching out to them. This was a great feature in Zendesk that we had to part ways with then moving to HubSpot.
Every service/chat platform offers the ability to tag livechats and email conversations - this is an integral reporting function that allows our business to at a glance look at where we need to focus our customer support. There is no way for us to categorize live chats beyond 'owner' or 'contact' and that isn't sufficient. Even allowing custom properties (like with the tickets/emails) would be suffiecient.