HubSpot Ideas


Invoices - enable editing and partial payments


Please consider the following requests:


1) Please make invoices editable

2) Please enable the ability for customers to make partial payments.


Regarding #1 - it's absolutely necessary for me as a business owner to be able to edit invoices. I don't like the fact that after I've finished with an invoice I have to hit Finalize and then if the customer changes their mind after the fact, I can't go back in and edit the invoice. I use QuickBooks Online as my primary accounting software and from what I've heard with other similar systems (Xero, Invoice Ninja, Sage, etc) they all provide this functionality.


Regarding #2 - There are times when customers only want to make a partial payment. For example, my policy is that customers pay for products or services I need to purchase before I do the job and then pay the labor after I'm finished. Or maybe the CX wants to make a deposit or a downpayment. They can't do that with how HubSpot Invoices are currently set up. These are just two of many examples.



15 Replies

YES! My compnay needs this same functionality as well. Please fix this. Or atleast allow us to delete and re-create after making changes to the quote. 


And especially marking as "partially paid" I dont understand why, if we create a payment schedule we cannot then convert it to an invoice, it makes that functionality useless in quotes if the payment schedule cannot be transferred to the invoice?

Will this be fixed? 


We need this, too, as we require a deposit on projects. It would be nice not to have to create two invoices (deposit and final) for each client. 


In my use case, we need the ability to at least add a PO number once the invoice is finalized. I work in K-12, some schools/districts require an invoice to create the PO. After the PO is created, they need me to update the invoice with the PO number.  With the way Hubspot works at the moment, I have to then void the invoice and then create a new one. If I could at least update the PO number once the invoice had been finalized that would be incredibly helpful. Thank you!! 


Would definitely like to have the ability to edit an active invoice such as add a new line item for adding a late fee to an invoice without voiding the existing invoice and re-creating a new invoice with the previous amount + the late fee.  This is confusing for clients because it isn't consistent and the invoice numbers and invoice links change which causes a potential paper trail issue.


Ditto. Need this functionality ASAP


Yes, I agree. Deposit before project starts!


I couldn't agree with this idea MORE! Please get these functionality request fixed for the invoicing feature:


1) Editable Invoices


Our clients consistently change their minds last minute on certain deliverables for the services we will provide (Live Music Entertainment) and we need to have the ability to adjust invoice line items and details accordingly. Having to recreate multiple invoices for correction and not being able to delete them causes much confusion for our customer and us for accounting purposes. 


2) Partial Payment ability and manual entry to record partial/full payments.


We are an live entertainment music based business and ALL our clients pay invoices with deposits to secure the events. I'm currently using QB Online and this is the best way to process and record these partial payments. 


This would save a lot of hassle and anxiety on our end. 


Please implement this soon. Can't believe this isn't possible yet?!


Not sure why we can't edit an invoice...Switched from Quickbooks to Hubspot for invoicing and now regret the move. Hope this feature gets added soon if not I'll have to make the move back to QB.


I just signed up for Hubspot and CANNOT BELIEVE this is not an option!!! I may end up cancelling. 


Also, I need ability to set my own invoice number. IN THE REAL WORLD, I go to a store to sell them my product and they don't want a Hubspot invoice. I leave them a paper invoice and I then need to keep track of it. It's absolutely stupid this is not an option. 


And why does recording a payment REQUIRE an email address?? How does that make sense??

Contributor | Elite Partner

I need to be able to add late fees, and if I can use a workflow to add late fees every 30 days, that would be even better!!


Our solution until we began beta testing the newest features:


  1. We set up the quote with a payment plan. Initial Payment (to begin the project - usually a 50% deposit) and Final Payment (due prior to receipt of final project deliverables).
  2. No payment is accepted on the quote.
  3. Upon quote signature (our contract), we create a finalized invoice with the Initial payment amount. We use the quoted line items, and then add two more line items - Initial Payment - with the deposit amount, and Final Payment with the amount $0. We also change the first line item for the project to an amount of $0. This quote is finalized and sent to the client for payment of the deposit amount.
  4. We then clone the finalized invoice and make the following edits:
    1. The Initial Payment line item is changed to $0.
    2. The Final Payment line item is changed to the final payment amount.
  5. Then we SAVE the draft - but do not finalize it. 
  6. When we are ready to send the final invoice, we finalize the DRAFT with the correct due dates and send it for payment.

    NOTE: If you know the dates the subsequent payments are due and the amounts for them, you can finalize the subsequent invoices at the time of creation. Our due dates fluctuate due to the nature of our work.

Also, we never had any confusion with clients understanding the process and payments due with the process above.

The newest features make it simpler, but this process above only took a few extra seconds and solved our problems for the multi-payment projects. Any number of payments/invoices can be set up this way for any particular project.

Now we can set up a payment plan on the quote, submit the quote for approval and payment of the initial fees, and upon payment of the deposit, HS creates the additional draft invoices based on the payment plan.

Contributor | Partner

Absolutely agree on the initial comments from @Onesimus 
It´s frankly shameful that HubSpot could release a tool without basic capabilities. They do not forget to charge it fee for using it.
We can´t even be able to delete an invoince and generate a new one with serial number previous to the one generated.

Commerce Hub is great but it needs to evolve ASAP.

HubSpot Employee

Hi everyone! Partial payments is a beta feature that is now available to be tested for commerce hub users. 

As a workaround for non-commerce hub users, I'd consider creating two separate quotes/invoices. Then using custom properties to manage and track deposit and balance statuses.

Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 10.41.45 AM.png


The partial pay invoice is a good feature, though I wish it was an organizational setting so the user does not have to manually click the checkbox everytime they create an invoice.  But partial payments does NOT solve the issue with needing the ability to update payments.  We are a service industry and often times the scope of work changes, many times it is reduced resulting in a need to reduce the total invoiced amount.  We can reduce the amount if no payment is made against the invoice, only problem is we take down payments so if I want to discount the final payment I am left with open invoices that can never be closed and the AR number is inaccurate.  Please fix this.