Integrate created tasks within Productivity > Projects and Productivity > Calendar so that created tasks are reflected in both tools and can be assigned to specific Campaigns.
Couldn't agree more. Love to be able to create a task manually and have another pulldown menu to tie the task to a project and a campaign or just to one.
Hi all, some good news for you on this one. We're focused on a pretty significant upgrade to the campaigns app over the next year and beyond. I shared a more detailed outline of this here: but the quick update is that the current work we're putting in to updating the app will make it possible for us to bring a lot more functionality to Campaigns, including the ability to link a task to a campaign.
I do have a specific follow up question related to Projects though. We're trying to understand the value of having the project app be a separate app to the campaigns too. For example, if we increased the tasks capability of Campaigns, made it possible to have tasks directly linked to campaigns and the marketing assets within those campaigns would you have any other use cases for the Projects app outside of marketing campaigns or would it become unneeded?
For extra credit, I'd love to learn more about how you're currently using the Campaigns app and other places we could improve. If you have a little extra time I'd really appreciate if you could check out this survey and share your thoughts: Thank you!
Creating tasks in a project is great for team workflow, but would be ideal if we could associate the project with a campaign (so tasks in calendar show up as campaign items).
I completely agree with this topic. Many on my team like the Hubspot calendar feature, but feel it isn't as organized as it could be without being able to assign projects to campaigns. We use our calendar often in conjunction with specific events or campaigns, and without being able to filter the calendar by this layer specific tasks get lost in the shuffle. Plus it can't be color-coded (which seems small, but really helps organization when there are dozens of subtasks to look at in the calendar).
Would love this feature. 90% of our projects relate to a campaign and it would be useful to be able to quickly click through to the corresponding campaign, and even better, filter the projects by a campaign.
This would be awesome! At the moment we are using multiple ways of planning our marketing, it would be far easier if HubSpot was able to integrate these so it can all be done in the same place.
Definitely a room for improvement! They do, in a way, serve different purposes, but the fact that you can see all these tasks on the calendar tool, being able to categorize tasks created in the project tool will certainly make the calendar tool a lot more powerful.
It drives me crazy that in my calendar view I can create a task that is assigned to a campaign but then it won't show up in projects. So if I want to track my tasks correctly I can't tie them to any campaigns which so I can't accurately measure activity. The functionality seems to already be built they just don't talk to each other.
Please add the option to assign campaigns to projects! This will allow us to use one fluid program for a marketing calendar versus going back and fourth between programs.
I also find that this is very useful. I would like to be able to create a project for each campaign so as to assign tasks to the marketing and sales teams in order to coordinate the development and implementation of each campaign So it would be very helpfull if I could somehow associate a specific project to a specific campaign.
Hi all, some good news for you on this one. We're focused on a pretty significant upgrade to the campaigns app over the next year and beyond. I shared a more detailed outline of this here: but the quick update is that the current work we're putting in to updating the app will make it possible for us to bring a lot more functionality to Campaigns, including the ability to link a task to a campaign.
I do have a specific follow up question related to Projects though. We're trying to understand the value of having the project app be a separate app to the campaigns too. For example, if we increased the tasks capability of Campaigns, made it possible to have tasks directly linked to campaigns and the marketing assets within those campaigns would you have any other use cases for the Projects app outside of marketing campaigns or would it become unneeded?
For extra credit, I'd love to learn more about how you're currently using the Campaigns app and other places we could improve. If you have a little extra time I'd really appreciate if you could check out this survey and share your thoughts: Thank you!
Is there a beta of the upgraded campaigns app that I can try? It looks like its been in the works for a few years. I agree the basic need is to be able to associate a project to a campaign.
Our marketing team would be very interested in this! It would be great to be able to add a project(s) to a specific campaign and see it in the campaign calendar view.
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