La fonction de suggestion automatique permet d'affiner rapidement votre recherche en suggérant des correspondances possibles au fur et à mesure de la frappe.
I second that, with Microsoft Copilot for Sales alrady integrated to Dynamics and Salesforce, this is a huge driver for Hubspot clients to leave in droves if not supported. It is certainly a motivator for me as we use Copilot in Outlook and teams, which would replace the need for Hubspot outlook integation.
I look forward to understanding how Hubspot prioritises these requests, how we can track their priority and time to development/market and happy to be involved in testing.
I agree! I'm manually copying and pasting things generated by Microsoft Copilot into HubSpot. The lack of easy integration is making me seriously consider looking at Microsoft Dynamics to stay within the M365 environment if HubSpot doesn't easily integrate soon.
Yes, PLEASE make this integration happen, FAST! My company is heavily invested in bringing the power of CoPilot for Sales into our tech stack and is already motivated to move us off of HubSpot due to its lack of integration with the tool. This is not a move that many people within my organization want us to make, but this lack of integration is forcing the hands of high-ranking decision-makers.
You could extend the ChatSpot so that you can choose your own AI provider, which would also increase security. If you then connect the Microsoft 365 copilot, the data does not leave the company's own trust boundary. You could also create your own bots.
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