Hey everyone - We are planning to add SMS into the Conversations Inbox. Would love to hop on a call to to learn more about your expectations. Please direct message me on the forum to setup some time to chat. Thank you!
Hi all, a solution for managing replies to HubSpot's SMS for Marketers offering by seing those replies as conversations in the Inbox is currently in private beta - iterating towards a general release as the weeks go on. We are in the planning stages a more focused support/Help Desk offering as well.
SMS app partners, many of whom I've spoken with personally, there is an API coming later on that will allow you to properly get SMS messagses into Inbox/Help Desk (without having to do the weird 'turn it into an email' thing).
As of today SMS Marketing Replies is in Public Beta. Any customer who has purchased the Marketing SMS Add-On is welcome to navigate to Product Upddates, click 'Join Beta,' and try it out. Knowledgebase article.
Having reviewed this, it seems we have missed a core functionality for non-marketing messages.
We use the BulkSMS integration and I anticipated that any SMS replies from customers (including non-marketing) would come into the inbox, along with where the agent has manually sent a message to a customer and they reply.
Is this something that is going to be included? If not, why?
@JTree the feature that is in public beta is that any SMS message sent through HubSpot's SMS offering can be seen in the inbox. It sounds like you are asking about SMS sent through partner apps, like BulkSMS (or Sakari, Salesmsg, Kixie, etc). The ability for app partner SMS messages to appear in the Inbox is not a part of this release. But there is an upcoming API that those partners will be able to use to do so in the future.
@EricHirsh – is the API for app partners to integrate SMS messages in the inbox available yet? If not, is there a timeline for release? This is a major blocker for us.
@zlw13@JTree the Custom Channels API is in Private Beta with Public Beta being planned for sometime before the end of the year. I'll share more details (likely in a separate Community post but will link here) when I am able! Starting to talk to some app partners about it.
@zlw13@JTree : The all new Custom Channels API is now in public beta! It is a sister API to the Conversations API and focuses on the use case of adding a new two-way messaging channel to Help Desk and Inbox for creating and updating two-way convesations back and forth across that channel.
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