HubSpot Ideas


Integrate Google Maps and Hubspot

It's simple! If we could see where our companies and contacts were with one single image (map), then we wouldn't have to filter our companies or contacts, creating different lists. Our executives fly all over for speaking, conferences, and live classes and we need to know who we can connect with and where to maximize our ROI. The database does not inform me like I wish it did. Especially because cities are intergrated automatically and sometimes the companies are in small towns very close to big cities, leaving me without a clue. Instead I have to know the small town and where it is or do research for each instance. 

It's so simple! Please Hubspot, we need to visualize our data!

66 Comentarios
Colaborador | Partner nivel Elite



This would be rather straightforward to do with the HubSpot API. If this is an urgent need for your business, send me a private message or email We'e built other google maps solutions with HubSpot data.




I think this is a very good idea! We would like to also visualize where our customers are with Google Maps (as in Hubspot we have the exact address of each customer). When we are planning a business trip, you will see easily which customers are in each zone.




We'd absolutely love this feature too - looking to have this type of integration into our deal cards. Is this possible?


This is a major downside when comparing to other CRMs the lack of integration to mapping tools, having to look for 3rd party integration.

Colaborador | Partner nivel Diamond

Hi all,
Third beta is out,
You can mail me to be part of it.

We're also in touch with Hubspot to have it listed as an official supported integration 🙂


Elixir Solutions 


When I'm traveling my territory,  I really need to be able to locate my customers/prospects on my phone with ease.   Safety is critical.   The more I have to cutthe address from the HS app and paste into Google Maps or WAZE the more time my eyes are off of the road !.   Accident waiting to happen !




Idea for an Interactive Mapping Tool. 


A tool that can pinpoint on a map locations of Customers or filter pinpoints by any of the 'Lifestyle Stages" (Prospect, Lead, Customer, Opportunity etc).


For instance, I may have an appointment with a current customer in Detroit, MI. I could search via a map for a group of "leads" or "opportunities" nearby that I could visit before or after the scheduled appointment. You could use this tool to try and set up additional visits with current customers or prospects. 


This feature would help with Time Management and scheduling your day; hopefully increase face to face touches with more than one customer/prospect while in that area.



I personally always choose the 'satellite' view of maps. Makes it much easier to visually see the facilties you are visiting and surrounding businesses. 


Finally, with a mapping tool, this could help you locate nearby opportunties (to existing or potential customers) that were not previously on your radar - from a clean map view. 




Josh H. 


How Can i geospot my customers om the go..?


just Like i could in salesforce. 


Please add.  My team needs this feature.


Love this Idea. Ive been trying to find something that can do this for us but hate the idea of adding another platform and manually transferring all my data


Months after voting for this idea, my sales team is still asking when this will be available. HubSpot was supposed to be a step-up from our previous CRM system, which had this feature.


My team and I would find this feature helpful!


This would definitely be helpful. Does anyone know if there a number of "upvotes" needed to get the attention of Hubspot? 


I just discovered a great way to create a map manually on Google Maps using exported hubspot data. This import will bring in all current data but I need to do some more work on how to make it update automatically.


This is actually pretty quick and easy, don't let the 12-step program below scare you off!


Screen Shot 2018-02-01 at 3.53.15 PM.png


Here are some quick steps on how to do this:

  1. Log into your google (gmail) account. (so the map will be saved) 
  2. On the menu (three lines on top left), click "Your Places" and go to the "Maps" tab.
  3. At the bottom click "Create Map" 
  4. [In HubSpot] Under Contacts, select the contacts that you want to map. (Click Select All to select contacts not shown on the current page)
  5. On the left sidebar, click "options" > "Export"
  6. Choose CSV format. I chose to export "Only properties in column to minimize what content was exported. This will only export what columns you have visible in your contact window.
  7. Click "Export" and download the CSV file
  8. [In your newly created Google Map] Click "Import" under the "Untitled layer" on the left menu.
  9. Drag the CSV file from Hubspot into the Window
  10. Select the columns on your file that will dictate the position of your placeholder (i.e. address, and/or city/state)
  11. Select the column on your file that will title your marker (i.e. Company or contact name)
  12. Click finish and let the google wheels spin (you will get a report of any rows that failed to import if they didn't have location criteria in place)
  13. Go sell stuff


Since this map is static and won't update, you can always clear your content out (Click "All items" on the left menu and delete") every so often and redo the export/import process with fresh data. I think that would be easier than trying to cherry pick the new additions.


I was also able to quickly see these updates on my iOS Google Maps app so they could be used for quick directions on the road!




Hope this helps as a free placeholder until Hubspot makes this integration automatic (Hopefully soon!)






The above idea from scheilj is great, but our company does not allow individual sales users to export contacts/companies. They are the ones that would need this feature, so we are begging HubSpot to get this ASAP!


I agree. Zoho CRM offers an in-app map: No need for 3rd party importing like Google Maps. It's a nice feature, especially when I want to plan my days in an area. There is a downside on the Zoho side: Loading time is horrendous since it plots EVERY TIME you load the map. And it plots slow. With Hubspot being all online anyway, wouldn't it be best to have the plotting happen "behind the scenes" and then we can access in the field?


Any updates on this?


I support this idea! If we could have a maps report on the dashboard, we would be able to take a quick glance and tell instantly where the majority of our clients are located. If we could further drill down to filter within our clients on the map (i.e. closed deals in a certain region, added companies over a specific time range in a certain industry by region, etc.) that would be even better.




My Company would also greatly benefit from this feature. Thanks!

Participante | Partner nivel Platinum

Traveling for business right now and this would be SO helpful!  Would love to visually see where my clients are when I travel so that I can be sure to visit all in the area!