It would be super-helpful if we could edit properties in the list views of Contacts, Companies and Target Accounts, instead of having to open the record, find the property, and then edit it.
The preview pane is helpful, but I often have property columns in the list views that aren't front and center in the preview pane, requiring me to click another button to find the properties. That's super-cumbersome when you need to edit multiple records - especially when each entry will be unique.
Completely agree. This is common functionality in many other applications. I know it as "In-Line Editing". It is definitely a time saver and makes the user more productive. For example, if I'm working with a list of contact names, and I see that a phone number needs to be corrected (or even added), I should be able to do that from right in the list without having to open the contact record to do so. This would apply to many other fields in the list as well.
I encourage you to add this basic capability as soon as possible.
Been a Salesforce User (and 4x certified) for over a decade and my new business uses Hubspot... I'm shocked this does not exist. Huge pain the buttocks for sales people or support staff. Can't even change a status without opening the record.
Agreed! This is a major pain point for our customer success team, who are regularly making updates at the end of the quarter. It would save them incredible amounts of time to be able to inline edit a list view of their customers, rather than needing to open each invidivual company record, make the edit, save, go back, and repeat.
Love this idea - this is especially helpful when you're managing dozens of companies and need to continually update the same fields on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis.
I would really apprecite this feature. I work with several companies at a time and it is unwieldy to make changes to the same fields individually by opening each company page one at a time. I have to update those same fields on biweekly and monthly bases.
Super support this, I've worked with prior systems where you have a dashboard/report and can inline edit the fields so that you can make many updates quickly across deals, customers, etc. Please prioritize and thank you!
This feature would be a big time saver for myself and my teammates to make updates to multiple accounts. It's a lot of extra clicks to open an account, find the field I'd like to update, save it, then access another account and repeat multiple times.
I agree, this is a huge need for any HubSpot user. We found a way to do this with Troops ( Grid is Troops inline editor that lets me update multiple records at once. I use it with both HubSpot and Salesforce and it's really powerful and easy.
I can't upvote this enough times. When my sales reps have to click Company, then View All Properties, then search, just to update a field after a call, that's a royal pain, especially when they're working on a list where the fields are visible. Please add this feature ASAP.
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