HubSpot Ideas


Increase the number of properties for each deal card.

We need to add more deal card properties in our Hubspot deal boards (up to six rows). Currently, we can choose only two properties, which is not as convenient for us. Now it looks like this: 


What we want to achieve is something like this (filters used just for examples):


As I can see, the feature to edit deal card view has been added recently, which is excellent news, but what we need is to extend it a bit, alleviate the limit, which only prevents us from using the full power of this feature.

19 Comentarios

I think this will be extremly helpful we have different client verticals and as the head of sales I want to be able to take a look at my pipeline and see what rep the deal is assigned to and what vertial aka industry is assigned to it and the value. It is a pain to click through every single one. 


Thanks Angela


I think this would be a good idea too.


I'm actually looking for a solution where on different pipelines i can use different properties to view on each.


I really need this to happen!!


I needed this yesterday, hurry up. I can't run a profitable business with two properties, who's idea was that?? we need at least 5 or just a custom amount!


Yes x100. This is a simple change, but some of our pipelines have relatively few very important deals with lots of very important characteristics/properties.


100% agree. We don't need a ton but definetly want to be able to put more than 2 properties on the deal card.


I really need more than 2 properties as well.

HubSpot Employee

Posting this on behalf of another customer. 


Having more than three properties for Deal Association Cards could also be useful. 


I agree, having up to 6 lines or properties visible on a deal card is necessary.

Company Name

Deal Name

Dollar Amount

Contact Name

Last Contact

Next Steps

Next Activity Date


is there any update to this feature request?
This would be very useful and in some cases a necessity to get a critical information.

Is the delay due to implementation difficulty or UX rework?


Yes- This is the reason my firm chose HubSpot Starter kit was to add more properties to view on the Deal Card. We were told that could be done.  Now I am finding out the max is three which we already have.


***HubSpot- is this going to change or are we stuck?? 


We are pretty new to hubspot and we really like the boardview however we need more than 2 properties on the card view as well!


Participante | Partner nivel Diamond

Agreed 100%. Our client would like to see 

  • MRR
  • Annual or Total Contract value
  • Close date


Please enable this for us, HubSpot.


I voted for this earlier. Progress update...... I believe it's up to 4 now.


Thanks for the update.   I also noticed we are able tadd additional items.

Thanks to the Hubspot team!


Thanks for the update! I noticed this already and implemented it! Thank you so much!

A follow up question would be that I noticed that in the Card View there are Running Totals which for me is the MRR

I would like to have 2 totals down there or be able to change the total to ACV

Is that possible?


@PeterMatulich , I'm only a hubspot user, but I'll do my best 🙂

If I understood correctly, what you're looking for here is to choose property(ies) to show on the Deal card from another object (Comanies or Contacts)?

As far as know, only Deal properties can be selected to be shown there, however, a work around that I can think of might be creating a custom Deal property that inherets a property from another object, using a Workflow... i.e. You can create a new custom Deal property, then create a workflow that would "copy a property value" from another object to this Deal property.


FYI, the same applies to Ticket's card view, i believe.


Hope this helps, thank!

HubSpot Employee

It will be great if we can have more than 3 properties displayed, sometimes we just want to have a quick glance on the important features without having to go into the deal itself. 


Upvote! We work off of two pipelines and when two separate teams are on the company record, it can be difficult to know which deal is active and yours without some extra clicks to view them all. We list the deal name, close date, pipeline, and deal stage, but it would be GREAT to have the deal amount displayed too!  Just one more field!!!