HubSpot Ideas


Increase the maximum amount of Shared Inboxes for Strategic Marketing Enterprise Accounts

Aiming to get even more competitive in the Enterprise segment, it would be important to have the chance to increase the maximum limits for some features that some HubSpot customers might face. Currently there are accounts that are so big and complex that having a limit of 100 Shared Inboxes in Marketing Enterprise is a problem for their operation.


For example, when a large company with a high count of Sales Reps wants to give individual inbox capabilities to all their Reps, they inevitably face issues like:


1. Not being able to ensure that only genuine client communications are recorded in stored within HubSpot. And no other emails someone maybe getting or sending for non client purposes are stored within HubSpot.
2. Missing incoming client communications from being automatically captured within the inbox.
3. Not being able to get all automated emails that they're sending have the correct signature at the bottom of the email template.
4. Not being able to cope well with use cases around operation stuff like going on holiday and someone else having to monitor.
5. Reps viewing other reps’ communications.


I've found several use cases in which Strategic Accounts need this.