Include Conversion Rates in the Deal Stage Report Like In The Funnel Report...
It would be nice to see conversion rate data (like you can in the Funnel Reports) of all deal stages even when a deal skips a stage.
Almost every sales organization I've been a part of has deals that will go from stage 1 to stage 3 or later, and skip stage 2 for one reason or another. In cases like these, it should still be counted as a conversion from stage 2 to 3 even though it was not "placed" in stage 2.
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Completey agree for this need! Would be so helpful to see the conversion data for all deals and not just the ones that go throught the stages in order.
The faster deals can get done the better (even if they skip stages)! Sometimes deals go back a stage and but still get closed. This would be extremely useful to our team. Hopefully your team agrees and can implement soon.
Please add this feature. Sales processes/stages are never the same for any client based on the environment, so adding flexibility would be very helpful to our internal team.
Umm. Yup. This is a basic requirment of any type of pipeline/funnel forecasting and the present the linear path that assumes every deal stops at every station (and never goes back to the last station) is not practical. When it comes to reconciling actuals every month this is the most painful part of being a Hubspot customer.
Just had my Sales VP come into my office and ask for the same and I was shocked to find out it's not possible. It's actually quite absurd that you cannot view the one thing that we all want to see: ROI. Why does my Deal have to follow this specific order? It seems as if the algorithm was too hard to figure out and they just ran with this sequential order instead. Problems such as these really deduct from HubSpot's inbound methodology.
If I had to pick what I would want to know from these reports, I'd list the following:
1. How many Leads, MQLs, and SQLs did I get this month with a conversion rate of the Lifecycle Stage
2. Of those contacts, how many had a Deal created within this month, how many Deals per contact, what Deal Stage are these Deals currently in and what is the conversion rate of said Deals
It doesn't have to be in a fancy dashboard widget, I will be okay with a table view. Just give me the data.
Hey Anna, do you have a status update on this project? I'd love to know if we are going to see a funnel report for Deals that do not follow a sequential order. We desperately need this report.
I think this is absolutely necessary as well. This is a fundamental feature of sales reporting. Please let me know if there are any questions about how this would be used, I'm happy to provide color.
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