HubSpot Ideas


Improvement to placeholder tokens in Email templates

The placeholder token could be a lot more useful with a small tweak, 


at the moment, the placeholder token is *almost* very useful - it allows us to define custom information that the salesperson needs to amend before sending out a template, where that custom information isn't stored in a property field. 


however, it still allows the salesperson to send out an email without having customised the placeholder token, which could end in poor customer experience. 


At the moment, the placeholder token provides little extra added value than us defining them within the template itself. In fact, it's a little less useful, as in the template we can format it with yellow highlights around the text, which is more noticeable than the current format of the placeholder token. 


what would be super useful, is if the system checked whether the placeholder tokens had been overwritten by the salesperson before allowing the email to be sent to the contact. It could even highlight the particular placeholder that the salesperson has failed to overwrite with a message that they forgot to fill it in - a bit like how users cannot complete forms without 'required fields'. This would help increase compliancy and accuracy. 

44 Replies

This is hugely irritating - when we saw the demo for Sales Hub, placeholders showed to stop an email being sent until it'd been filled in. They're completely redundant without that feature - and we've removed all placeholders from all of our email templates until this is fixed.


Very confused as to the point of placeholders in their current state? 

I agree... Placeholders work great in a template if that template you are
using is only used in a Sequence, but not if you only use them in a
template then they are trash. I don't blame you for removing them from your
templates. Wish they would halt a template from being sent until
complete too.

Agree, this needs to be updated.


I'm finding our sales team overlooking the placeholder tokens and sending 1 to 1 email with the placeholder 😩. This was frustrating to see as I expected HubSpot to prevent them from sending without updating. It was a bad assumption on my part. Please enforce a pre-send check for placeholder token updates. As others have said, the placeholder token is both useless and risky as it is now.