HubSpot Ideas


Improve Targeting with Ad-Specific Lists

It would be helpful to have a live list of individuals who have interacted with a specific ad within a rolling date range.


This list could be used to create workflows that send personalized emails to people who have recently clicked on that specific ad.


Currently, it’s only possible to generate a list of users who have interacted with any ad, which isn't ideal when you want to tailor emails or workflows based on the specific activity a person has engaged in.

1 Reply

That's a fantastic idea! Having ad-specific lists for targeting could significantly improve personalization and engagement. By narrowing down interactions to a specific ad, marketers could create more relevant and timely content for their audience, leading to higher conversion rates.

Implementing a rolling date range would also ensure that communications stay fresh and are based on recent activity. I completely agree that a list of users who have interacted with any ad doesn't allow for the same level of precision, especially when tailoring workflows. Having more granular control over these lists would definitely enhance targeting strategies.

Hopefully, this can be considered as an update for future versions!