HubSpot Ideas


Importing multiple email addresses for single contact

I am importing a CSV file with contacts that have multiple email addresses. Hubspot supports multiple email addresses in the "Email" field, which is wonderful, but the data cannot be imported this way.  To import, I had to create multiple email properties (primary email, alternate email, etc). I can manually add the multiple emails in the single "Email" property but I have a large number of contacts. Any automated way to do this?


Would recommend an enhancement to offer the ability to either import contacts in a way to add multiple email addresses  to the "Email" property. Or, offer a way, after the import, to copy the data from another property (e.g. "Alternate Email") to the "Email" property without overriding the current email (i.e. adding a second or third email).

HubSpot Updates
December 18, 2023 06:58 AM

Hi everyone -- Alex from the import/export team here.


We just launched support for importing multiple email addresses (or company domains for the company object) within the import flow.


In your spreadsheet, you'd add an additional column for "Additional emails." Here, you can add many email addresses, separated by a semi-colon. On the mapping step of your import, simply map this column to a new property we've surfaced called "Additional email addresses" and you're done! 

Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 5.01.36 PM.png


If you're importing companies, the same process can be followed for importing multiple domains. The property you'll want to map to is called "Additional domains."

Not Currently Planned
May 21, 2020 12:14 PM

Hello HubSpot Community, 

Thank you as always for your continued feedback, it helps us build a great product.

We are constantly evaluating and re-evaluating our priorities and roadmap to deliver as much value to our customers as possible. At this time, importing secondary emails is not something our team is currently planning to build natively into HubSpot. This is certainly subject to change in the future and we will update this idea if that becomes the case.

120 Replies
Member | Diamond Partner

Isn't it working yet?


It's been over two years now and everyone is urging for it.

Someone from HubSpot must take it seriously.


Just ran into this issue myself, if a property supports secnodary data, it should be able to be imported as well.

Guide | Diamond Partner

Unbelievable that third party tools are offering this functionality but HubSpot still can't after almost 4 years.


We need this too! 


Definitely required for us as well, just run into this issue as I'm preparing an import file!


Yes desperately need this too! Would be so helpful to be able to either import/export with multiple emails per contact or to be able to have a Secondary Email property that you could select when sending an email. 


Yes - please allow functionality to both inport/export multiple emails as well as the ability to email the secondary email address.


Yes please!


and me!


This feature is still needed!  January 2022.


This is a critical need!  I'm migrating out of another system and I have 1800+ secondary emails that I have to enter by hand before we can go live. This is going to be a massive amount of hand-work.  


Another option would be to adjust the way the IMPORT contacts functionality works:  If the IMPORT is done with the Hubspot ID then the Email Address column from the import file matched to the Email column in Hubspot would  actually shift the email address in Hubspot to the secondary position instead of replacing the email address in Hubspot.


Faced with the same problem, I eventually found which can import secondary emails. It is a paid service, but seems kinda affordable (I am in no way affiliated with the service).


I 174th this idea. 


This would be very valuable as I am trying to do import write now that has multiple email addresses and it is very difficult to do. 


4 years later and still need. thanks


Upvote from me.


Come on HubSpot, clean data and privacy are two of the most important elements of a successful marketing strategy.  Not being able to manage multiple email addresses in an easy way should make this feature upgrade a "no-brainer."

Contributor | Elite Partner

Hey Everyone! 


At Hype & Dexter, we've come up against this issue SO many times. 


We've ended up building a solution to enable us, and by extension, our clients and partners to import primary and secondary email addresses in the same import!


If you're keen to get a demo of how this works, I'm more than happy to do so over a 30 min meeting (it probably won't even take this long). 


Feel free to find my availability for this demo here




No brainer idea here. Hubspot, need to see you step it up and add this. Thanks.

Contributor | Elite Partner

Hey All, 


Just following up on my comment. Thought it'd be worthwhile adding a demo video as we've created a custom workflow action that can be installed on any account to enable you to import multiple emails and have them added as genuine "Additional Emails". 


Here's that video, it's only 2 minutes long:


We're working on getting it into the App Marketplace but we're happy to set it up for you in the meantime!


Feel free to use this link to book some time with me to discuss a demo or install



I think you may not understand the problem.
It is not about additional emails. It is about multiple emails for which any of them can be used as the primary email depending on the situation.