With the new folder tool, we are able organise Products into our Product Library. However, this would be much better if we are able to import Product directly into the folders.
Typically, when using a Product import, we are importing a long list of Products and it is time consuming to have to move each individual Product into a folder after import.
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I work at a partner agency and have a client who works with manufacturers, and can have 10s of 1000s of products to import into the products tool and needs to sort them by manufacturer. The folders are helpful, but it's not feasible to manually move ~50K+ products into folders manually. Being able to choose a folder upon import would be extremely helpful for us in this scenario
It's crazy that Product Folders are still so basic and manual to manage.
There is still no folder information in the import/export CSV file.
Our DoPricer app applies pre-set customer discounts on product categories, but today we have to create a custom Product property for the category. Folders would be ideal for managing product categories, but they need work.
Looking forward to updates on folder management improvements.
Another issue that may have been addressed I exported the existing products over 700 and the folder structure did not follow. UGH! Please add this add this feature. allow for import and reimport of the products file with folders in tact.
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