HubSpot Ideas


If you really want feedback on your support team....ask me a different question

It appears to be all the vogue, when seeking feedback on support/customer service which one received, to ask if I would recommend the person providing the support, or the firm for which they work to a friend. I challenge the premise of this question as a valid means of evaluating service.
I have no friends who use HubSpot - nor am I likely to - so my answer will always be "not at all likely." Since I presume this answer would negatively impact the service professional, I refuse to answer it. And since this question is required, this flawed method of evaluation is preventing me from providing HubSpot with any feedback at all on the performance of the support team. 
If you really want my feedback, ask me a different question. How about "do you hope that, the next time you open the support chat, this person will be the respresentative with whom you interact?" Or how about, "if you were speaking with this person's manager,  would the feedback you offered on your experience be positive/negative/neutral?" I'm sure there are folks much better suited to writing alternative questions than I.
I appreciate the desire to look for indicators - for one or two questions for benchmarking - and I applaud the demise of the 15 question survey. But if you really want a response, perhaps you could ask a question that would be more uniformly applicable. 
As for me, until you stop requiring me to tell you what I'd say to my friends about a HubSpot support rep, I'm sorry to say, I can't give you any feedback. I've managed customer service teams for 25 years so I certainly have lots to offer about the support I've received if there is genuine interest. 

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