HubSpot Ideas


If/them branch in workflow to equate across two properties

Hey team,

Filing this for a customer here

It would be great if we have the ability to check if one property matches the other dynamically in the if/then branch

For example, in a deal workflow,

If deal owner is equal to associated contact owner, then we will perform Action A in the if/then branch (:

Thank you!

2 Replies

Yeah it would be great if we could check this for a variety of properties.

For example, in terms of a property with a currency value; 

If 'property A' is less or equal to 'property B' in an if/then branch, proceed with an action of my choice.


Say we had a £50 gift card amount added to an account, we could check if - 'remaining balance' is less than 'gift card amount' - we can send them an email to remind them of their remaining balance.



Super useful/ needed for many workflows (either for actions or alerts). Honestly a big gap in the functoinalities provided.

Hope to be added soon.