HubSpot not using their own SURVEY tool in the ACADEMY courses?
I have the highest regard for HubSpot, and am a passionate evangelist. So, I submit this thought provoking question respectfully:
1) Why does HubSpot use SurveyMonkey for academy courses and not the survey function within HubSpot? Every time someone completes a survey, it advertises for SurveyMonkey usage.
It would seem logical that HubSpot should use their own survey tool for the Academy courses. If Survey Monkey has functions and features that HubSpot does not, then perhaps the HS functionality of the tool needs some work?
1. Who: Everyone who takes a HubSpot Academy course is sent to Survey Monkey...not HubSpots Survey tool. 2. Goal: HubSpot might want to use its own tools? 3. Value: It makes sense to promote HubSpots own tools. It pushes the students to use it, so they might want to use it for their work surveys. 4. n/a 5. See below for my suggestion #2
2) Perhaps the survey could be placed before the exam in every HS Academy course? It's impossible to rate the exam if we haven't taken it yet. I would think the order of operations could be reorganized so the exam grade would not be shared until the survey is completed.