HubSpot Ideas


HubSpot integration and sync with Dynamics: need possibility to export error list

Like most in MarOps I like to keep my data clean 🙂


It would be very helpful if you could export an error list from the sync health overview, so that you could e.g. delete records in HubSpot based on the sync error and/or correct data, so that certain contacts will sync again, ect.


Right now you have to go through them one by one, and with potentially hundreds of the same type of error, that is a very daunting task.


If you can get an error list while importing contacts, you should be a able to get a similar from an integration/sync (with the error category).




PS: Found a similar question by @ernemurphy in the Community:

But couldn't find the idea posted here, so I hope it's not a duplicate 🙂