HubSpot Ideas


HubSpot User Custom Property > Filters: Owner & Team

Custom Owner Propierties work well for Users and Permissions; when assigning the following permissions to a user [See Contacts > Team only], HubSpot takes into account users from HubSpot User Property + User Custom Properties. 


However, it doesn't work well when trying to filter a list or a report by Owner or Team properties; some examples: 


1. When trying to filter contacts by Owner, it's only taking into account official HubSpot owners and no owners from custom owner properties. 

2. When trying to filter contacts by Team, it's only taking into account official HubSpot owners and no owners from custom owner properties. 

3. When trying to filter dashboards or reports by Team, it's only taking into account official HubSpot owners and no owners from custom owner properties. 


I th would be great if Team/Owner filters take into account users from custom properties. Custom user properties are essential for big companies that share customers between Business Units (same Contact/Company, different owners).


7 Comentários
HubSpot Employee

Olá, meu cliente precisa filtrar pelas equipes a partir de uma propriedade de usuário do HubSpot personalizada para agilizar a criacao de realtórios. Seria muito útil se os filtros de HubSpot Team pudessem considerar os usuários de uma propriedade personalizada 


Hi, my client needs to filter by teams from a custom HubSpot user property to facilitate report creation and filtering. It would be very helpful if HubSpot Team's filters could consider users of a custom property as well, and not only the default object owner. 

HubSpot Employee

I got another client with a similar use case requesting the ability to add more than one team to be responsible for or assigned to a record, looking forward to see this implemented soon! 

Recebi outro cliente com um caso de uso semelhante solicitando a capacidade de adicionar mais de uma equipe para ser responsável ou atribuída a um registro, esperamos  ver isso implementado no futuro proximo!


Anywhere there we can filter by owner, we should also be able to filter by team. This would be a game changer for me.

Top colaborador(a)

Okay, I was debating creating my own issue for this. . . because we need it really bad. +1


HubSpot, it's been more than two years since this request. What's taking so long? When adding a custom user property to a filter, allow me to select either users or teams for that property. Reporting on custom user properties is currently a nightmare.


This is so needed!! 


Another shortcoming of Hubspot... the more I get into admin work with Hubspot, the less I like it. 


If y'all are serious about going upmarket you HAVE to start delivering some of these usability features.