I have 60+ users that cross 4 regional teams in our HubSpot System. It would be extremely useful to "Export" the list of users? I want to export the names, data sort into regions and then send out to do a regular audit to ensure any staff that have left the business have been removed (i.e. contacts transferred to others) and access denied.
Currently you can tick a box to "select all" but the only options with that is for "Editting permissions" or to "Remove" - an "Export list to cvs" button would be ideal!
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I can't believe this idea is as old as it is and hasn't happened yet. User admin is a challenge across multiple tools. Having a way to export and share with internal teams would be a huge help.
We need this capability as we have hundreds of users and we need to audit them to ensure their permissions, contact details, team assignments and general settings are all correct. It's shocking there is no way to export this list to view and identify any errors or changes that are needed. Please make this export via excel and csv available to account admins.
Additional requests would be if the user has 2FA enabled, as we have lots of troubleshooting that pops up with these users and we can't identify who has manually set this security setting, despite admin unchecking this as an account default. We'd need user signature details (first and last name/email/phone/signature detail/notification settings/team assignment/role/2FA enabled/last login date/verification of user setting up and completing their account.). It would be great to get a login report to show who is using and accessing their accounts, who hasn't completed their account setup yet and also when the last time they accessed their account for easy auditing)
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