HubSpot Reporting Should Include Subject Line Feature When Comparing Emails
I'd like to share a specific case I came across at my company. We use the workflows tab to run our drip campaigns. Each workflow drip has about 4 emails. We wanted to measure each email within each workflow drip. I know the two methods are the "compare email" function and going to analyze, then searching for the specific emails by keyword, and creating a report.
We have decided to go forward with the report option, as it is less manual and automatically updates. The problem is that we need the names of the emails and the subject lines both in the report. This is not an option.
When I reached out to customer support, they advised I create a chart with the Y-axis containing "subject line". This method doesn't allow for the email names to be included and having the information in chart form is not beneficial to us visually.
I hope HubSpot can add a feature where I can add a subject line as a field I'd like shown in the columns when I create a report. If there are any work arounds I haven't tried yet, please let me know.