Thanks for responding! I do agree that article could be better, so we're going to update that to include more specific information for Outlook for Mac.
To get the latest version of our Outlook add-in on a Mac, you'll want to click on the red Store button in your Outlook ribbon, search for HubSpot, and then toggle that add-in on. If you're unable to see the Store, you may want to update your Outlook and check to see if you have an O365 subscription and compatible inbox. For more help on this, please check out this article.
Re: HubSpot Outlook integration for MAC users - changed to: Delivered
I"m really looking forward to this feature since this was submitted as a feature request in june 2015 already. Could you please share information around the timeline? Are we talking days, weeks or months? Thanks!
The new Outlook 2016 with all Google Apps integration (contact, calendar and mail) is now great in a sales environment. A plugin would be great. I volunteer for being an alpha/beta customer!
Please offer a solution for Mac users whose IT department have not chosen to use gmail. Hubspot is better than this! Outlook plugin, Mail support (I know it's hard, but Mail Butler seems to have figured it out) or even Thunderbird. Something. Please!
Casting my vote for ASAP completion of HubSpot integration with Outlook for Mac. As brand new Hubspot Pro Users, our Founder/President and I both use Outlook for Mac. Others employees use Windows, but we two are the sole decision-makers re: H/S. Help us vote yes for renewal. :-))
To me, this is phantastic news that an MS Outlook plugin is planned for MAC users. I really liked using this on my Windows PC. Having switched to MAC for most of my work, this is something I actually missed. So: Cangratulations to the Hubspot decision makers and developers for giving priority to this feature! Looking forward to it!
There used to be a lack of support for plugins (in general not just HS) for outlook mac, but plugins seem to be supported now, meaning HS could / should support it !
This is exciting news. One of the few reasons I have a Windows 10 virtualized environment is because HubSpot's add-ins do not support Mac users. This would save many of us tons of frustration especially those who do not use Chrome or Gmail for business communication.
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