Thanks for responding! I do agree that article could be better, so we're going to update that to include more specific information for Outlook for Mac.
To get the latest version of our Outlook add-in on a Mac, you'll want to click on the red Store button in your Outlook ribbon, search for HubSpot, and then toggle that add-in on. If you're unable to see the Store, you may want to update your Outlook and check to see if you have an O365 subscription and compatible inbox. For more help on this, please check out this article.
Re: HubSpot Outlook integration for MAC users - changed to: Delivered
The Hubspot for Mac Integration will absolutely boost usage of Hubspot by at least 25%. Given a 4x pipeline for free to paid conversion, having this intergration would surely be profitable for Hubspot who would be looking to grow their paid subscription service.
This is the single feature I need to expand utilization of the Hubspot CRM to our entire account group. It's a great tool, but at this point, success is contingent upon people being able to continue using Outlook.
I pulled the trigger on the HubSpot Pro - I love some of the functionality but the lack of Mac Outlook functionality has me considering canceling already. When will this be complete, at least a beta - there are others out there that have this functionality. I am will this plugin included a scheduled email send similar to the Gmail version?
Just came in like the others to see about Outlook integration for Macs. Not sure if i'm using the forum correctly, or not, however I can't seem to find a response from HubSpot on this.
Any ideas on when this might become a reality? Seems like the concept has been requested for years now. 😕
Not very encouraging that some of the most powerful features for a sales guy like myself aren't available to me since I'm on a Mac. Merp.
Looking forward to this feature. All our remote sales team and design team are on Macs, so this feature will really help us streamline some internal processes. Can't wait! The sooner the better for us.
I'm also in support of a quick integration for us Mac users, there are millions of untapped clients that Hubspot will make very happy with this integration for Outlook for Mac.
Agree with everyone, this is a MUST HAVE feature! Most executives at our company use Macs and won't track as many conversations without this simple addition.
The fact that there is no participation or communication from Hubspot on when this integration is happening is really disappointing. Please can someone from the Hubspot team manage our expectations on when this will happen? If it is not going to happen for a long time then i at least know! The silence is deafening!
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