Thanks for responding! I do agree that article could be better, so we're going to update that to include more specific information for Outlook for Mac.
To get the latest version of our Outlook add-in on a Mac, you'll want to click on the red Store button in your Outlook ribbon, search for HubSpot, and then toggle that add-in on. If you're unable to see the Store, you may want to update your Outlook and check to see if you have an O365 subscription and compatible inbox. For more help on this, please check out this article.
Re: HubSpot Outlook integration for MAC users - changed to: Delivered
Understood - Hubspot Supportm confirmed this as being by design and thus recommended I raise this change as an idea. Obscuring sections of an applications UI can't be best practice, plus having lesser functionality in one email client versus another isn't a great look either, so I'm hoping Hubspot can tweak their add-in a little.
Really sad to see so many other organizations that have also been struggling with this issue for months. I was so hopeful I'd find a solution here. I'm now worried that our best solution will be switching to another CRM 😞
My organization will also need this feature as some users are using outlook on Mac for their day to day processes. It is very inconvenient for them to manually BCC/Forward emails and it interrupts their workflow when they have to switch all of their processes to our gsuite email inbox just for HubSpot. Please add in this functionality.
This idea was posted almost 6 years ago!!! and till now Hubspot couldn’t do that!! That is really bad. It’s much harder using Hubspot for mac. I think it’s time to replace Hubspot. Thank you for caring
The Outlook plugin for Mac doesn´t work correctly or as expected while in Windows the experience is smoother. So far I have heard similar feedback from colleagues using Mac (same as multiple comments seen in different entries from the community(i.e: here)
The sidebar needs to be open in order to log or track an email.
Even after being pinned, the sidebar doesn't open by default.
Come on Hubspot! How hard can this be? Systems are supposed to help us with our workflows, not be the source of constant daily irritation! You're not just in business to offer a product where only you decide what matters ... you're in business to solve your customers problems. THIS IS LONG OVERDUE.
I've just spent time on a chat with support only to be run around in circles about the issue. Then just found this thread. Thanks. Shocking that this is still an issue after so many years. Hope a solution is worked out soon.
@hubspot Any news on this. My mac is forcing me to update to the new outlook when it restarts. We have emailed asking for answers. we are starting to look elswhere
I've been told they are not even having this development in their current pipeline, and to come to this Community. We are in need of this. Our sales team only uses Mac and this is a real pain!
Please, HubSpot, please! It's nearly three years since MS released the New Outook preview. At least give us a beta add-in that supports the new preview and let us help you get it right! 😆
I use Outlook for Mac for accessibility reasons. The mac syncs much better with my hearing aid than PCs do. So not supporting this integration means you are also not supporting accessibility. Please can you up prioritize this development work? Thank you!
Hubspot... it has been 5 years since this has been posted. Please migrate this... It should be that hard... a recompile. #hubspot #outlook #integration #macos and fix the app on my iphone. I can't access **bleep**. The app is almost worthless.
Hubspot Outlook desktop add-in ( Outlook desktop add-in ) not designed for Mac usage - why not?!
I'm using a Macbook Air M1 2020 running macOS Ventura 13.5. My company has an email domain that is hosted with Gmail, but I'm using the Office 365 client (i.e. Outlook application) for my email account. As part of this, I have an Office 365 work account which is associated with my company email address and which is part of an Office 365 company organisation. All my Mac Microsoft desktop applications, including Outlook, are attached to this account.
I note however the Hubspot Outlook desktop add-in ( Outlook desktop add-in ) is only designed for PC usage and not for Mac. This add-in is a hugely needed solution for Mac users of Hubspot because the Chrome browser-based gmail interface is an extremely poor and tedious experience (slow, clunky, lots of click required to do things), as as well as unreliable (not unusual with browser-based email apps) and counter intuitive in many ways (email threading order is back-to-front).
This would be an extremely helpful and useful feature to implement for Mac in the future. Personally, it would improve my productivity and reduce frustration hugely. Given Mac users expect high standards of user experience and will consider Hubspot responsible for this poor experience , I ask that the product team give this real consideration. If possible, can you please advise why this has not been done already and/or challenges with implementing it. Thanks.
ADDITIONAL ADDED POINT (after exchange with other HS user - see responses below)
Having checked the features table again, it appears to me that the Outlook desktop add-indoes not support connected inbox features eg email logging, so my request probably should be that the Office 365 add-in be improved to support any email host. I may be wrong as the line in the table in the screeengrab simply is "Connected Inbox required" which may mean something slightly diffent, but since I cant yet use either add-in I dont know. Maybe someone can clear this up for me?
Second the idea as it's becoming more evidently clear that organizations might be using a different email host on a separate email client, while having other OS running!
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