HubSpot Ideas


HubSpot Data Sync with Dynamics Needs to Sync with Drop Down, Radio Select, and Checkbox Properties

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When using the HubSpot Data Sync Integration with Dynamics there is a limitation of being unable to sync/map with properties that have drop-down, radio select, and checkbox properties.


We have Marketing Hub Professional and even added Operations Hub so we could create custom field mapping, but it is limited in the property types it can map to.


Because there are properties that I cannot sync within HubSpot, I must manually go into Dynamics and pull and upload into HubSpot. I'd like HubSpot to implement the custom field mapping of drop-down, radio select, and checkbox properties with Dynamics so I can create all lists within HubSpot.

30 Replies

Seconding this. Have a client I'm working with and dealing with a bunch of limitations around this issue.


At the very, very least dropdown options would help a lot.

I know that dealing with enumeration and syncing proper value names is a challenge for dropdowns, but being limited to one-way sync to a text box produces a lot of workarounds for the client they find disappointing.


We have just set this up as we are having to move from Formstack Sync becaus ethey have just ceased their support. They onbviously dont want the system any more. Its super sophisticated and you can map any kind of field, its really wonderful. So coming to this where its so basic is a bit of a jolt. We're having to set up lots of new fields in both systems to just map the data then set up worflows for each to repopulate the original fields (as those are used in reports and dashboards)


Anyway, this seems like a basic feature that should be included.




+1 This is a basic but required capability to be able to effectively sync between Hubspot and Dynamics.



Member | Elite Partner

Hello everybody,
Also I am managing an integration project between Hubspot and SugarCRM using the "HubSpot data sync" app. Previously we used a third party plugin that managed any type of field. Actually this is a strong limitation for the integration of Dropdown / Multiselect fields which cannot be integrated between the two systems. This is a serious problem as it risks blocking use. Furthermore, the customer has an Operation Hub.


Can you sync dropdown/multi select Dynamics fields to custom single line text HubSpot fields with Operations hub starter?


A client of mine is considering Operations Hub Starter but needs to be able to get data from dropdown/multi select Dynamics fields into HubSpot custom properties.

Member | Elite Partner

No, with Operation Hub you can synchronize custom fields ... but not multiselect and dropdown.


I found this workaround posted by @FransLeys in another thread, reposting it here in case it can help someone while we wait for the updated connector:


The dropdowns that can sync, can sync one way into a text field.

It is definitely roadmapped  to make improvements to this.


The following workaround is valid for those sync scenarios whereby you need a dropdown for validation, but you dont necessarily expect this value to be changed on both sides of the sync.

1) define the dropdown in the app where you expect manual user input going into this dropdown (for validation). 

2) create a corresponding text field in the other app where you dont expect users to manually make changes to this field.

3) set up the field mapping in data sync - it will automatically default to one-way.

Member | Elite Partner

Yes, I was aware of this possibility.

However with other plugins it is possible to directly synchronize the dropdown and multiselect fields between the two systems (in this case SugarCRM and HUBSPOT).

Using supporting textfield fields represents:
1) a downgrade from the features used so far
2) requires a large amount of custom CRM side that would be useless.

So I think it is essential that the direct synchronization from the plugin to the crm is understood (without support fields).


Agreed. Needed

Member | Elite Partner

Is there anyone at Hubspot who can let us know if they are working on a workaround?
It is important to know whether to stay on this solution or not and to have timelines.

Member | Elite Partner

Hi everyone,
Has this development been planned or is there no news?


Chiming in here to upvote as well.  Currently using the same work-around as @AHaverling referenced for an integration between Hubspot and Airtable, but it's far from ideal.


Let's make this change Hubspot!


We currently have a multi-select list for two separate fields in NetSuite that we need to be able to sync to HubSpot for our most critical list segmentations (what services are they buying AND what role do they have in their organization).

HubSpot Employee

Meu cliente precisa mapear os campos suspensos do Dynamics com o HubSpot. Esperamos ver a funcionalidade em breve!

My client needs to map Dynamics dropdown fields with HubSpot. We hope to see the functionality soon!

Member | Platinum Partner

Upvoting this - we really need to be able to sync different field types for a powerful data sync, this blocker is a reason why our clients are choosing a custom API integration over Operations hub and data sync right now


Need the same feature for HubSpot-Airtable integration. 


Same issue with a Zoho integration - very problematic and a lot of time wasted

Participant | Diamond Partner

It is an absolute disaster that this feature still is not available... 
This is a NEED and not a NICE. 


This is so basic and needed - and makes using other systems terribly difficult! @mgeorgieva can you help this get some juice? 

HubSpot Product Team

Hi all, I’m Winnie the Product Manager for the Microsoft Dynamics integration. 


The sync platform team is actively looking into Drop Down Select Sync for Dynamics, and the many other integrations built on Data Sync including NetSuite, Pipedrive, Zoho CRM, SugarCRM, etc. This is a top requested feature and a priority for the team. 


Owner Sync was a precursor to tackling this, and that went live late last year. 


@FransLeys, has been getting pings about Drop Down select sync on this thread, and has been responding if you want to follow along for updates.