HubSpot Chat visible without active HubSpot script
Because of the General Data Protection, the HubSpot script has to be deactivated on our website, till the visitor accepts the tracking.
The chat (live chat / Chat Bot) needs the HubSpot script to know it has to show up on selected pages.
But the visitor won't even know there would be a chat option if the cookies are not accepted. And I bet a lot won't allow all cookies.
HubSpot Forms and the meeting Sales calendar Links are working fine by embed scripts and i-frames.
But there is not such an Option for the chat to be shown with the HubSpot script inactive.
Great would be a Chat icon at the position of the chat.
With a slider to accept the cookies to activate the chat.
We think about to add a CTA to rearrange the cookie preferences by ourselves. But I don't know how hard it could be to make that CTA disappearing after the chat gets activated.