On the "Other Tickets From" card in the help desk, add a checkbox to merge the ticket with the ticket you are viewing from.
Who (what type ofroleorteam) is the feature for?
Users of Help Desk
Service representives
What is theirgoal?
Assist the customer as efficiently as possible.
Whatvaluewill this add?
Currently the process is to click Merge on the top right and search the customer's email address or associated ticket id number. It would be helpful to have a "merge with this ticket" option so that you can use the preview option to determine if the ticket is related, and simply click the "merge with this ticket" option instead of having to go back into a different place and transfer the information over.
Screenshots, pictures, drawings, process diagrams, are helpful.
Example: Customer messaged me about the same issue twice. It would be great if I could just click merge instead of having to hop around and hope that I select the correct one out of the Merge Tickets view.