Have more required fields when sharing a document from HubSpot
When sharing documents with GDPR turned on, it requires the recipient to enter in their email address as an added security measure. It would be fantastic if we could customise that to require more fields of our choosing. EG.
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
This would allow a customised level of security on documents being shared.
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Yes! Please add the capability to add more fields to the Privacy consent aspect of document download. Take this example as a primary reason to allow more fields on the Privacy permission form:
We send an e-news to folks with a document to download.
Right now, we have to have them fill out a form to get the document so that we can identify every single person who downloads the document.
If we ALSO turn on privacy in order to get open rate and granular data about engagement with the document, recipients have to add their email yet again.
However, if you allow more fields during the Privacy consent process, you can eliminate the need to enter emails more than once and you get the great deata about downloads and engagement.
This would be a great feature add. Thank you!
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