HubSpot Ideas


Have a sequential deal number created each time a deal is created

This would essentially allow us to create a unique job number with each new deal. It would be so useful and would then be used as the root for a whole range of quotes and orders.

There is a similar request here which is marked as resolved. However this is NOT true. The problem solved is a unique ID to avoid duplication, NOT a sequential 4/5 digit number increasing with each new deal created.


I really would like a sequential , human useable number to be generated with each new deal within a range of contexts i.e. across company or within a given pipeline etc.

I'd like to be able to set the seed number i.e. a 5 digit number starting 10000.

I'd definitely want the number to be available to add to the deal title when it is created.

72 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner

This would be a great function to enable document management and associations working with information on different platforms. It would also be good to make the numbering of Quotes, Payments, Invoices, and Deals align with an internal process. 


Hubspot, please do this. We have to run a separate spreadsheet just for this! Salesforce has it, as does any other CRM. It's really simple, we have been waiting for this for years. I'm so sad.


Should be out of the box! SFDC can do it easily and we're migrating to HubSpot from SFDC and need a solution. 
Would appreciate an update on this functionality! 


Yet another upvote for this feature

Participant | Elite Partner

+1 for upvote.



I'm amazed that this feature doesn't already exist. Another vote from me.


+1 upvote.

This is basic and CRITICAL functionality that is lacking in HubSpot.  I urge the powers that be at HubSpot to listen to your user base who have been asking for this over several years.


Hey folks. Look up Hype and Dexter out of NZ. They've built a Microapp that can do just this. We are migrating from SFDC to HubSpot and I just implemented their solution for our Deal numbers to tick up by one for our Quote #s each time a new Deal is created! This has truly saved me for our implementation as they rely on these #s and I did not want to do something crazy like have to implement Zapier tied into an Excel spreadsheet with numbers incrementing up...this solution allowed me to build it straight in the Workflow tool. They've been super helpful to work with and provided excellent support in getting it set up.


@azalaquett Did you need an Operations Hub subscription (and the ability to inject custom code into workflows) to implement the Hype and Dexter solution?

We do have it in our subscription, but I'm not sure if it was a
requirement. @MatthewBoyd do you have the answer to that?

@azalaquettThanks for the information about the microapp, will look it up.  I also asked HubSpot support if Operations Hub is needed....just waiting on an answer.


+1 upvote


I'm looking to do something similar with tickets - I've read a couple of workarounds but this seems like something Hubspot could so easily create for us! 


it is incredible how HubSpot administrators with all the tools you have you have not reply with a conclusive solution for this issue / request from the community. Is not the first rule of the inbound marketing to generate conversation with your audience? 


I would say after over 2 years of this being an idea, theres little hope of this even being acknowledged @hubspot ??

Agreed - feels like Hubspot have stopped listening

Hello everyone!

I am trying to push a little this idea as i need it ASAP i guess most of you as well. I had a conversation with support and this is the answer:

"Yes definitely - we were just discussing and the team is already working on it as this idea has generated a lot of traction and I see how it is going to help our customers"
"The reason being the same idea has been posted a few times - so when there is a moment on the feature, like when it's on the planning stage we will go ahead and update it :)"

So hopefully they update this post soon. @hubspot 

Nice one Diego
Last time I called support they essentially said no so this is a big step forward

Still Nothing on this?

We just migrated and are setting up out quoting pipeline, this seems to be an obvious and simple add-on. 


This functionality would be very helpful for us in referencing documents etc back to a Deal.


Is there already an update about this? Really need to implement this for my client.