HubSpot Ideas


Handle inbound / incoming calls in HubSpot

We currently have to use a service like Aircall to handle the inbound calls, which is not ideal. When you do the outbound calling from Hubspot it would make sense to also be able to handle the inbound calls and get them properly tracked, recorded, etc.

July 11, 2022 09:41 AM

@Flo_bi We cannot log inbound calls, missed calls, and voicemails for "Outbound phone numbers" because they happen outside of HubSpot and are routed through the external telecom or VOIP provider. If the VOIP provider has a marketplace integration, they can push the call logs into HubSpot. Otherwise, users need to use a HubSpot phone number. We will be expanding the phone number offering to additional countries, stay tuned here.

Status aktualisiert zu: Delivered
May 03, 2022 11:58 AM

Hello HubSpot community! 

I am excited to announce that we now offer phone numbers and inbound calling! Dive into all the details here.


We know our job isn’t done and are already hard at work on the next round of features. This post encompasses a lot of different requests, this makes it hard to categorize feedback and share updates. We are going to mark this post as “delivered” and will open new threads for specific feature requests (and recommend you do the same).

Below are threads we have started for upcoming features. If they are important to you, I recommend upvoting and commenting on these pages.

Receive calls within the HubSpot  app

Manage voicemails in HubSpot

Port your existing phone number into HubSpot

Offer phone numbers in additional countries


Thank you for the continued feedback and support.

Happy Calling!

October 14, 2021 04:56 PM

Hi Everyone,

Good news! We are getting closer to offering inbound calling and we are looking for users to provide early feedback. If that is something you might be interested in, please fill out this form.


Thank you for all of the amazing feedback already provided and we look forward to growing together!

Status aktualisiert zu: In Planning
June 16, 2021 06:10 PM

Hello HubSpot community! 

As @JoeMayall mentioned in his previous post, making HubSpot calling bi-directional to support inbound calls alongside our current offering of outbound calling is something we realize is important for our customers. Since the last update in October 2020, we have renewed our focus to offering this functionality. We do not have a concrete timeline or initial feature set that we're comfortable committing to quite yet. However, I am moving this idea to the "in planning" stage to better reflect our increased commitment, as we currently are researching and prioritizing the work required to add inbound calls natively to HubSpot. 

We'll continue to monitor the use cases and needs submitted on this thread and will post updates as we have them. Your patience and continued feedback is very much appreciated as we work towards delivering a solution! 

Thank you as always for your continued feedback and support, it helps us build a better product.

Status aktualisiert zu: In Planning
May 19, 2020 02:56 PM

We agree this is a big gap! We're in the early phases of developing a plan to bring Inbound calling support to HubSpot. We will update this issue with more infromation as we validate our approach to realizing this feature. 

Status aktualisiert zu: In Planning
March 25, 2019 08:04 AM

We are planning on building an API to allow integrators to embed their calling functionality, including inbound calling, into HubSpot.


If you'd like to give our team feedback on how inbound calling should work, please fill out this form.

142 Kommentare
Totally agree with the author. 
Initially, our team was very excited about testing Hubspot Calling, especially if it could replace our current call tool. There are numerous reasons, however, that prevent it from being deployed. Due to the limitations of the current product, medium and larger companies cannot utilize it. 
Receiving calls. Although receiving calls online is an important feature, we can tolerate its absence (ideally, we shouldn't, but some flexibility may be necessary). BUT, if the lack of this feature pushes users to use their personal mobile devices, there must be the ability to limit receiving calls. Business hours and Availability provide users with peace of mind and prevent them from receiving calls at 2 am in the morning if a caller from the USA tries to follow up on their case even though we are based in Europe. In my opinion, the feature of setting Business Hours and Availability might be easier to build than integrating a call receiver inside HubSpot
Additionally, call forwarding would help lead management and sales performance since collaboration is key. Furthermore, prerecorded messages or audio assistants would be extremely useful. 
Besides the rest of the features that other calling platforms have. 
It is likely that Business hours play a huge role for other companies too. Lexidy is an ongoing collaborator with Hubspot and its trusted partners and wishes to stay with the platform and oversee its evolution. Regarding calling, it makes total sense for us to use it since we already paid for it, but currently, it is impossible. The feature is quite underdeveloped and does not bring benefits as of now. 
