We currently have to use a service like Aircall to handle the inbound calls, which is not ideal. When you do the outbound calling from Hubspot it would make sense to also be able to handle the inbound calls and get them properly tracked, recorded, etc.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
@Flo_bi We cannot log inbound calls, missed calls, and voicemails for "Outbound phone numbers" because they happen outside of HubSpot and are routed through the external telecom or VOIP provider. If the VOIP provider has a marketplace integration, they can push the call logs into HubSpot. Otherwise, users need to use a HubSpot phone number. We will be expanding the phone number offering to additional countries, stay tuned here.
I am excited to announce that we now offer phone numbers and inbound calling! Dive into all the details here.
We know our job isn’t done and are already hard at work on the next round of features. This post encompasses a lot of different requests, this makes it hard to categorize feedback and share updates. We are going to mark this post as “delivered” and will open new threads for specific feature requests (and recommend you do the same). Below are threads we have started for upcoming features. If they are important to you, I recommend upvoting and commenting on these pages.
Good news! We are getting closer to offering inbound calling and we are looking for users to provide early feedback. If that is something you might be interested in, please fill out this form.
Thank you for all of the amazing feedback already provided and we look forward to growing together!
As @JoeMayall mentioned in his previous post, making HubSpot calling bi-directional to support inbound calls alongside our current offering of outbound calling is something we realize is important for our customers. Since the last update in October 2020, we have renewed our focus to offering this functionality. We do not have a concrete timeline or initial feature set that we're comfortable committing to quite yet. However, I am moving this idea to the "in planning" stage to better reflect our increased commitment, as we currently are researching and prioritizing the work required to add inbound calls natively to HubSpot.
We'll continue to monitor the use cases and needs submitted on this thread and will post updates as we have them. Your patience and continued feedback is very much appreciated as we work towards delivering a solution!
Thank you as always for your continued feedback and support, it helps us build a better product.
We agree this is a big gap! We're in the early phases of developing a plan to bring Inbound calling support to HubSpot. We will update this issue with more infromation as we validate our approach to realizing this feature.
Is there any update on this idea? I am quite surprsied this feature is not available yet being one of the most standard features in every other system I have used in the past.
As @JoeMayall mentioned in his previous post, making HubSpot calling bi-directional to support inbound calls alongside our current offering of outbound calling is something we realize is important for our customers. Since the last update in October 2020, we have renewed our focus to offering this functionality. We do not have a concrete timeline or initial feature set that we're comfortable committing to quite yet. However, I am moving this idea to the "in planning" stage to better reflect our increased commitment, as we currently are researching and prioritizing the work required to add inbound calls natively to HubSpot.
We'll continue to monitor the use cases and needs submitted on this thread and will post updates as we have them. Your patience and continued feedback is very much appreciated as we work towards delivering a solution!
Thank you as always for your continued feedback and support, it helps us build a better product.
+1000 on this. Inbound phone calls have always been the most valuable opportunities for any business I've worked with. Call pop ups with the associated contact record are necessary for sales agents to accurately keep notes and log activity in the correct place in Hubspot.
Our contact records are a complete mess and totally unreliable due to this specific problem.
Very important that it works in the app as well just like Zoom and Teams calling. Especially for sales which ended many organizations are on the road occasionally, but also field service reps.
You have service in HubSpot so it also has to offer queue and auto attendant functionality. It's hard to do a mvp here. Maybe better integrations with calling platforms like Zoom is more obtainable. E.g. Zoom already today have a feature to pop open a url when a call is received using the caller id as parameter in a url. Now if contacts had a url also containing caller id rather than hs_object_id it could pop open the record and open register call...
@KDupontTHANK YOU for pointing the Zoom Phone functionality out for launching an external app or URL for incoming calls. It looks like this was added earlier this year and I was unaware. (Zoom Support Article for this function)
Our biggest paint point was getting sales agents to find the inbound caller's contact record in Hubspot. They would never do it, so we would end up with a customer's data spread between two or more contact records.
We use CallRail for call analytics/reporting (integrated with Hubspot), Zoom Phone, and Shopify (also integrated with HS). CallRail creates/updates contact records in HubSpot, but if the email address isn't updated for a CallRail-created contact, and an order comes through Shopify and creates another contact record, we end up with call data on one record and emails/order history on another... nightmare.
With the Zoom function of popping a URL on incoming calls, sales agents should now be pointed directly to the contact record they need to update, write notes, etc.
Hopefully his reply as well as mine will help out some others in similar situations.
We are constantly being asked at the moment if we can handle incoming calls through HubSpot.
I could see running incoming numbers similar to how the meetings tool is managed. An incoming number could be set up for an individual or round-robin. This provisioned number should then be available as caller-ID for outbound calls.
Incoming calls could be answered within the browser if a user is online or via the Mobile App (can use CallKit in iOS or the ConnectionService class in Android to ensure the calls are delivered.) It could also forward to a number for as a minimum viable product as this would be easier though have a higher cost to implement.
It would be amazing if calls were transcribed with conversational intelligence. I would recommend using the engine behind call recording to also handle voicemail. These could be recorded and stored as per the calls, but then a notification sent to a conversations inbox of choice in HS or a notification/email etc sent to notify.
Having numbers being set up similar to how meeting links are means way tools such as Twilio can be used to create IVRs that then direct the call to the appropriate provisioned number. (It would be amazing to be able to create IVRs with workflows, this would be a game-changer for Service Hub and enable you to take on a huge market with an integrated service experience.)
I really think the best option is to integrate with existing systems. Just thinking about it sounds very useful to have incoming call in HS however I think most companies would also learn that have a calling tool which only works for the customer side for certain specific roles turns out not to be useful. Companies needs a cross company solutions and besides I think that HS has a lot of smaller companies as customers and in these it’s rare to find people working only 100% with the customer side. Everybody has to call a non customer sometimes. Everybody has to transfer to someone who is not on HS occasionally. You don’t want many phone systems that does not work together.
Best regards, | Med venlig hilsen | Mit freundlichen Grüßen | Med vänliga hälsningar Kasper Dupont CMO & CDO +45 8844 2776 kd@lakgruppen.dk
Good news! We are getting closer to offering inbound calling and we are looking for users to provide early feedback. If that is something you might be interested in, please fill out this form.
Thank you for all of the amazing feedback already provided and we look forward to growing together!
This feature would supercharge our HubSpot teams for sure! At the moment, we're having to use work phones and other workarounds to handle inbound calls, but having it natively in HubSpot would make a huge difference.
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